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[Wesnoth-cvs-commits] wesnoth/data/scenarios/tutorial Basic_Training.cfg

From: James Spencer
Subject: [Wesnoth-cvs-commits] wesnoth/data/scenarios/tutorial Basic_Training.cfg
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 2004 19:15:21 -0400

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/wesnoth
Module name:    wesnoth
Changes by:     James Spencer <address@hidden>  04/10/14 23:07:56

Modified files:
        data/scenarios/tutorial: Basic_Training.cfg 

Log message:
        Fix a typo


Index: wesnoth/data/scenarios/tutorial/Basic_Training.cfg
diff -u wesnoth/data/scenarios/tutorial/Basic_Training.cfg:1.1 
--- wesnoth/data/scenarios/tutorial/Basic_Training.cfg:1.1      Fri Sep 24 
00:16:22 2004
+++ wesnoth/data/scenarios/tutorial/Basic_Training.cfg  Thu Oct 14 23:07:56 2004
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
                {QUESTION_OPTIONS_START (_"What do I do next?")}
-{QUESTION_OPTION (_"Can Merle retaliate from my attack?") (_"Whenever a unit 
is attacked, it retaliates with one of their own weapons. This means that after 
each blow from the attacker, the defender retaliates with one blow. This 
continues until one side runs out of blows, in which case the other unit 
continues attacking until its blows are depleted as well. However, any unit can 
only retaliate by using a weapon of the same range as the one used to attack. 
This means that a ranged attack can only be countered by a ranged attack and a 
melee attack can only be countered by a melee attack. Most units have more 
powerful melee attacks than ranged, so units with ranged attacks are useful in 
that retaliation against them is less powerful; often there is no retaliation. 
However ranged units cannot shoot across multiple hexes; this is one of the 
distinctive features of Wesnoth.")}
+{QUESTION_OPTION (_"Can Merle retaliate from my attack?") (_"Whenever a unit 
is attacked, it retaliates with one of their own weapons. This means that after 
each blow from the attacker, the defender retaliates with one blow. This 
continues until one side runs out of blows, in which case the other unit 
continues attacking until its blows are depleted as well. However, any unit can 
only retaliate by using a weapon of the same range as the one used to attack. 
This means that a ranged attack can only be countered by a ranged attack and a 
melee attack can only be countered by a melee attack. Most units have more 
powerful melee attacks than ranged attacks. Units with strong ranged attacks 
are useful in retaliation against melee oriented units. Some melee units 
without ranged attacks won't be able to retaliate at all. However ranged units 
cannot shoot across multiple hexes; this is one of the distinctive features of 
 {QUESTION_OPTION (_"How can you tell how powerful a unit's attacks are?") 
(_"Every attack does a certain amount of damage per hit, and can be used a 
certain number of times per battle. These numbers, called the attack's damage 
and strike numbers, are displayed in order under the name of the attack on the 
unit's status table and next to it on the attack options menu. To quickly find 
the maximum damage an attack can inflict, multiply the damage by the number of 
strikes. For example, my lightning attack does 14 damage per blow and has 4 
blows, so it can deal up to 56 damage in a single combat.")}
 {QUESTION_OPTION (_"Will my fighter hit every time when he attacks?") (_"Units 
have the ability to block blows. The chance that a unit has to hit is based on 
the defender's skill at defending blows, and is listed on the attack options 
menu after the damage and strike numbers for the bow attack.")}

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