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[Chinese-authors] zoom

From: Olivia Mcghee
Subject: [Chinese-authors] zoom
Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 15:33:18 +0200

Down at the harbour there isJacob Gregarsen, who is in charge of the motor-boat.
But I willnot have you endanger yourself for me. It seemed queer to be contemplating asiege in a treasure house.
That was bad enough, but my realperplexity was what we should be called on to fight about. Whatcaught the eye was the amazing greenness.
Little did either of usguess that these two children were to be our salvation.
My trouble was that I could not see how the affair could finish. I thought that all of them had beengathered in, but I was mistaken.
That was bad enough, but my realperplexity was what we should be called on to fight about.
There were three dayswhen he slipped away from me, and now I know what he was doing. I dont rememberabout Carreras, but Im positive about Martel. Otherwise I didnt let him often out of my sight.
We all exclaimed, for it sounded the maddest risk to take.
The old stiffnessbetween the two had gone, and they had become like brother andsister.
If thingswere as they were a year ago, I believe we could settle the wholebusiness out of hand.
The mainquarrel now is not between Haraldsen and the Pack, but betweenDlngraville and me. You see, I was on my own ground and he was astranger, so I had a pull on him. Then he looked at Sandy, of whom he had hitherto been rather inawe.
Also, it is right that she should share in my destiny. The old stiffnessbetween the two had gone, and they had become like brother andsister. It was fire that Huldas Folk employed to work theirmost evil deeds. There could be no end to the business unless eitherDIngraville or Sandy perished. Verydifferent was the reality in that blue August weather.
First came a vast hall, at least a hundredfeet long and the full height of the house. We all felt the tension of the moment, and hewanted to keep the temperature down.
If you left her here, they might make ahostage of her.
That rotten Greeksentence that Macgillivray had quoted stuck in my mind. If I shirked hischallenge I should never sleep in my bed again. Also theweather suddenly began to change.
Even if they had the bigger man-power, we could summon help.
The sparking-plug had gone, and the main feedpipe had been cut through. Some trawler put in for water, he said;many of them carry boats with out-board motors. The first day of the fineweather he had nothing to report. Its no good oursheltering here any longer.
It seemed queer to be contemplating asiege in a treasure house. You remember, Dick, the collection of toughs thatCastor called his Bodyguard.
Verydifferent was the reality in that blue August weather. There werepastures beside the burns, as bright with flowers as any Englishmeadow.

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