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Re: [Bug-librejs] Making changes to the Savannah repo

From: Thomas Harding
Subject: Re: [Bug-librejs] Making changes to the Savannah repo
Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2017 01:13:38 +0200
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Le 4 août 2017 00:34:18 GMT+02:00, bill-auger <address@hidden> a écrit :
> On 08/03/2017 05:30 PM, Nathan Nichols wrote:
> > So you are saying I should submit changes to here and just attach
> the
> > changed source files?
> Nathan -
> regarding the bug tracker - yes - but not to post entire files - what
> you would need to do is create a patch file using `git diff` like:
>     git diff upstream/master your-branch > todays.patch
> then attach the todays.patch file to an issue on the bug tracker -
> ideally the same issue you already have open about this feature and
> not
> a new issue every day
> personally, i would still put my fork on another server and link to it
> in on tracker issue for the benefit of anyone who finds this workflow
> insane
> ---
> Thomas -
> yes i understand the libreJS project is bound by these tools that GNU
> provides - to get around this limitation the libreJS project would
> need
> to start accepting contributions on another git host - this is more a
> criticism of savannah and not the libreJS project but you guys should
> realize that the savannah infrastructure itself is a hinderance to all
> projects it hosts with respect to weloming newcomers without
> neck-beards
> as for a feature request for better git workflow support - im quite
> sure
> that this is common knowlegde - there has been discussion for several
> years about upgrading savannah to the modern fusionforge or re-writing
> altogether but this has not happened - i would hope that the savannah
> maintainers are already aware that the current system is discouraging
> new contributors by not supporting the modern workflow that they grew
> up
> with
> this thread as case in point that the new contributor probably has
> never
> heard of a .patch file - that does not mean he is not a competant
> programmer - it only means that the "patches via mailing lists"
> workflow
> is very outdated

Not via mailing-list, but via a Bug Tracking System.

diff/patch seems to be "outdated" to some developers, but thats just a mean, 
and avoids silent fails on concurrent changes.

In fact, diffs are constantly didplayed on web interfaces (improveds by 
highlights, etc).

Also, unified diff files with context lines, associated to a convenient comment 
on a BTS, made life safer. Do anyone fill systematically the "changes" by 
anything significant beyond "another change" on a push? ^^

> i can only assume that there is either not the will to modernize or
> there is lack of resources to do it - in either case, a feature would
> add nothing to the situation

Je suis née pour partager, non la haine, mais l'amour 
-- Sophocle (Antigone)

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