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Re: Incipit

From: Richard Shann
Subject: Re: Incipit
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 16:02:23 +0000
User-agent: Evolution 3.46.4-2

On Sun, 2024-01-21 at 12:58 +0000, Richard Shann wrote:
> ps I haven't had a chance to investigate your script yet, I'll try to
> get to it as you said there was some undesirably hard coded value in
> it.
I've done some tinkering with your script for StaffIncipit. There is no
obvious way to compute how much space LilyPond will use to typeset the
incipit, but I've put in a simple heuristic in this version. And I've
taken the notes to be used in the incipit from the selection. A
suitable clef etc would need to be (temporarily) inserted to include in
the selection. Repeating the command allows you to refine the incipit
length and executing it without a selection allows you to delete it.

(let ((tag  "StaffIncipit")(lily "")(incipitLength 15)(indent "20.0") 
(indentLength 20) (items 0) (lengthInput "15"))
  (define (accum)
    (let ((this (d-GetLilyPond)))
      (set! items (1+ items))
      (if this
    (set! lily (string-append lily this)))))
  (if (d-IsInSelection)
                  (SingleAndSelectionSwitcher accum)
                  ;;;avoid mis-matched curly braces in lily
                  (let ((open (string-count lily #\{))(close (string-count lily 
                        (let loop ((count (- open close)))
                          (if (> count 0)
                                  (set! lily (string-append lily "}"))
                                  (loop (1- count))))))
                        (set! lengthInput  (d-DirectiveGet-voice-data tag))
                        (if (not lengthInput)
                                (set! lengthInput (number->string (+ 5 (* 3 
items))))) ;;;heuristic to guess length
                        (set! lengthInput (d-GetUserInput (_ "Incipit") 
                                (_ "Give incipit length for lily staff:") 
                        (if (and (string? indent) (string->number lengthInput))
                         (set! incipitLength (string->number lengthInput)))
                        (d-DirectivePut-voice-data tag lengthInput)
                        (d-DirectivePut-voice-postfix tag (string-append 
"\\incipit { "
                        lily " }"))
                        (d-DirectivePut-layout-postfix tag (string-append "  
                        = " (number->string incipitLength) "\n"))
                        (set! indent (d-DirectiveGet-score-data "ScoreIndent"))
                        (if (and (string? indent) (string->number indent))
                           (set! indentLength (string->number indent))
                           (if (> incipitLength indentLength)
                                 (d-ScoreIndent (+ incipitLength 
                (if (d-Directive-voice? tag)
                                (d-DirectiveDelete-voice tag)
                                (d-WarningDialog (_ "Staff Incipit Deleted")))
                        (d-WarningDialog (_ "Cursor not in selection"))))))


If there are no problems with this I could include it in the staff
menu. I'm not too sure how to explain what it is for/does - someone
just asked on the mailing list whether those special note heads
(Petrucci?) etc can be altered ...

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