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[dev-serveez] crayon

From: Joey Odell
Subject: [dev-serveez] crayon
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:13:06 +0300

They are terrible,These immaterial and airy words,Sharp as edged swords, infectious as the plague.
Wasntthere something called the Declaration of Independence?
The farmer who does hiswork well is part of an army.
NARRATOR: Thats what they do to soldiers of humanity! I spoke for every man who lifts his headAnd will not bow to tyrants.
I sang democracy,The new word, the new meaning, the bright day,And I march with you! And this year, farmers areharvesting far more than we have produced in any other year. SOUND EFFECTS MAN: Hitlers last squeal when he hears the Yankshave landed. JOCK: Aye, youve done a good job on her, son.
Books are not men, and yet they are alive.
THE BORDER VOICE: And yet it wasnt always so. Told the recruiting sergeant I was fromMontreal, but I guess he knew where I came from.
Want to hear what a baleof wool sounds like?
VOICE: Aint got a rifle, aint got a gun,But Ill break my back till this war gets won. FARM VOICE: Never had much to do with soybeans, but I hear theycan be raised.
Lets go to anembarkation point for a minute. NARRATOR: But werent there just a few things in between? AN IRISH VOICE: My name is Jonathan Swift,Dean of St.
Between the wars, the grass grows back again, butsometimes it doesnt grow for long. A MASSACHUSETTS VOICE: A handful of weevily wheat! Were free men here in this country and we mean to stayfree. Because, if Hitler wins thats the end of my farm and me. Lets stand on the Canadianside of a great water.
It shall no longerbe performed on the German stage.
Books are not men, and yet they are alive. NAZI VOICE: New editions of the works of the Jew, Heinrich Heine,are not desirable.
He wanted togo and he did, but I keep remembering. Seem to have lots of elections over there. Next year they will be called upon for even more. VOICE: Five brood sows and thirty-two pigs.
It means doingwithout and making other things do. I spoke for every man who lifts his headAnd will not bow to tyrants. To start the discussion, I am goingto ask Joe Barnes to recite the Gettysburg Address to us.
WASHINGTON: I must represent once more to the Congress the hardcondition of my men. VOICE: Get your back bowed down so the folks can sayHe bowed his back for the U. They strangled the German Republic and moved in.
You cant havepart-time soldiers and part-time farmers. They join with you in the resolve never to let up in the battleof production. NARRATOR: But werent there just a few things in between?

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