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Re: [eLyXer-users] proposal for future eLyXer features

From: Alex Fernandez
Subject: Re: [eLyXer-users] proposal for future eLyXer features
Date: Wed, 15 May 2013 23:30:15 +0200

Hi Uwe,

On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Uwe Stöhr <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Alex,

while fixing eLyXer support in the LyX Windows installer, I noticed that eLyXer
does not yet support advanced coloring. So this is an enhancement request what
you can perhaps support, although that LyX does not yet support natively:

- the command \rowcolor, \rowcolors and \cellcolor (see the attached testfile
  and EmbeddedObjects manual, sec. 2.11)
- the dvipsnames colors, see appendix C of the EmbeddedObjects manual

Thanks a lot for your ideas. Unfortunately I don't have all the time that I would like to work on eLyXer, so I cannot commit to support them. I am copying the eLyXer list in case anyone from the community wants to take a shot at them; I hope you don't mind.

FWIW, eLyXer now lives on git:
so it is even easier than before to fork it and start hacking :)


The first beta version of LyX 2.1 will be released within the next month. Features
of LyX 2.1 that might be worth to look at for eLyXer are

- table rotations
- \caption*
- \fbox and \mbox
- \cancel, \bcancel, \xcancel and \cancelto
- maybe some of the new math commands

I will try to add support for some of them. Table rotations make no sense on web pages.


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