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Re: [Esp-action-alert] Bilski is out!! Analysis begun, help welcome

From: Reinier Bakels
Subject: Re: [Esp-action-alert] Bilski is out!! Analysis begun, help welcome
Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 15:22:45 -0000

The SCOTUS confirms the rejection of the Bilski patent, but rejects the "MoT" test: "As numerous amicus briefs argue, the machine-or-transformation test would create uncertainty asto the patentability of software, advanced diagnostic medi-cine techniques, and inventions based on linear program-ming, data compression, and the manipulation of digital signals." It seems that the SCOTUS is giving directions for further development of the law by the CAFC, rather than giving precise directions itself. basically they say: read the f***g statute, and don't read what is not written.
(I continue reading).
It seems "Bilski" is the start rarather than the end of a new dvelopment.

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