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[ff-cvs] libvob bench/mark.py include/vob/VecGL.hxx incl...

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [ff-cvs] libvob bench/mark.py include/vob/VecGL.hxx incl...
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 02:22:11 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/libvob
Module name:    libvob
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        03/10/31 02:22:10

Modified files:
        bench          : mark.py 
        include/vob    : VecGL.hxx 
        include/vob/vobs: Text.hxx 
        org/nongnu/libvob/gl: GL.java SimpleAlphaFont.java 
        vob/demo/aniso : fontscene.py probe2.py 
        vob/lava/snaps : aniso_fontscene.py aniso_gf4go.py 
        vob/putil      : demokeys.py snapshots.py 
Added files:
        lava/cad       : box.py box2.py 
        vob/demo/aniso : bigquad.py 
        vob/lava       : normalizedquads.py 

Log message:


Index: libvob/bench/mark.py
diff -u libvob/bench/mark.py:1.11 libvob/bench/mark.py:1.12
--- libvob/bench/mark.py:1.11   Sat Aug 16 05:04:54 2003
+++ libvob/bench/mark.py        Fri Oct 31 02:22:08 2003
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
        vs = win.createVobScene()
        sx = vs.size.width
+    outfile = open("benchdata","w")
     for ar in _argLists(args):
        vs = win.createVobScene()
@@ -88,8 +89,11 @@
            # print "Now: ",iters,total,ms
        print ou
        print ms, "ms   with ",iters," in ",total
+       outfile.write("%s %s\n" % (ou, ms))
        print 1000.0 / ms,"per second\n"
+    outfile.close()
 def runPureBench(func, args):
     for ar in _argLists(args):
        # Precompile for JIT
@@ -99,7 +103,7 @@
        total = 0
        iters = 1
-       while total < 2.0:
+       while total < 3.0:
            iters *= 2
            (total, str) = func(iters, **ar)
            ms = total * 1. / iters * 1000
Index: libvob/include/vob/VecGL.hxx
diff -u libvob/include/vob/VecGL.hxx:1.4 libvob/include/vob/VecGL.hxx:1.5
--- libvob/include/vob/VecGL.hxx:1.4    Fri Jun 27 10:34:23 2003
+++ libvob/include/vob/VecGL.hxx        Fri Oct 31 02:22:08 2003
@@ -57,6 +57,13 @@
        glTexCoord3f(v.x, v.y, v.z); 
+    inline void glMultiTexCoord(GLenum tex, const ZVec &v) {
+       glMultiTexCoord3f(tex, v.x, v.y, v.z);
+    }
+    inline void glMultiTexCoord(GLenum tex, const Vec &v) {
+       glMultiTexCoord2f(tex, v.x, v.y);
+    }
Index: libvob/include/vob/vobs/Text.hxx
diff -u libvob/include/vob/vobs/Text.hxx:1.8 
--- libvob/include/vob/vobs/Text.hxx:1.8        Sun Sep 28 09:02:17 2003
+++ libvob/include/vob/vobs/Text.hxx    Fri Oct 31 02:22:09 2003
@@ -34,9 +34,11 @@
 #include <vob/glerr.hxx>
 #include <vob/text/QuadFont.hxx>
 #include <vob/Types.hxx>
+#include <vob/VecGL.hxx>
 namespace Vob {
 namespace Vobs {
+    using namespace VecGL;
@@ -143,6 +145,138 @@
 typedef Text1Base<unicodecharvector> Text1;
+/** In a triangle with the given vertices, find 
+ * the change of t at unit change of v in x or y direction.
+ */
+std::pair<Pt,Pt> texDerivs(Pt v00, Pt v01, Pt v10, Pt t00, Pt t01, Pt t10) {
+    // Now, find out the correct offsets to the texture
+    // coordinates. 
+    Pt va = v10-v00; Pt ta = t10-t00;
+    Pt vb = v01-v00; Pt tb = t01-t00;
+    if(fabs(vb.x) > fabs(va.x)) {
+       std::swap(va,vb);
+       std::swap(ta,tb);
+    }
+    // va now greater in x dir
+    if(fabs(va.x) < 0.000001) va.x = 1; // avoid inf
+    float mul = - vb.x / va.x;
+    // This should now have zero x coordinate
+    Pt vy = vb + mul*va;
+    if(fabs(vy.y) < 0.000001) vy.y = 1; // avoid inf
+    Pt ty = (tb + mul*ta);
+    // Zero y coordinate
+    Pt vx = va - (va.y / vy.y)*vy;
+    Pt tx = ta - (va.y / vy.y)*ty;
+    DBG(dbg_text) << "texDerivs calc: "
+       <<va<<vb<<ta<<tb<<mul<<"\n";
+    DBG(dbg_text) << "texDerivs vxy: "
+       <<vx<<vy<<tx<<ty<<"\n";
+    return std::pair<Pt,Pt>(ty * (1/vy.y),tx * (1/vx.x));
+/** An implemenentation of text rendering
+ * using 4 texunits for supersampling.
+ * This vob only sets up the texture coordinates.
+ */
+template<class str> struct TextSuper4Base {
+    enum { NTrans = 1 };
+    Text::QuadFont *font;
+    str text;
+    float yoffs;
+    int flags;
+    template<class F> void params(F &f) {
+       f(font, text, yoffs, flags);
+    }
+    template<class T> void render(const T &t) const {
+       int curTexInd = -1;
+       int minGlyph = 0; int nGlyphs = font->textureIndex.size();
+       GLERR;
+       float x = 0;
+       float y = yoffs;
+       glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+       for (typename str::const_iterator it = text.begin(); 
+               it != text.end(); ++it) {
+           int glyph = *it;
+           if(glyph < minGlyph || glyph >= nGlyphs)
+               continue;
+           int texInd = font->textureIndex[glyph];
+           if(texInd < 0) continue;
+           if(curTexInd != texInd) {
+               glEnd();
+               GLERR;
+               font->bindTextures(texInd);
+               GLERR;
+               glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+               curTexInd = texInd;
+           }
+           // Won't use font->texCoords since
+           // it depends on the transformation
+#define do_corner(ver, tex, a, b) \
+           Pt tex = Pt( \
+                   font->coordinates[8*glyph + 4 + a], \
+                   font->coordinates[8*glyph + 4 + b]); \
+           ZPt ver = t.transform(ZPt(  \
+                   x + font->coordinates[8*glyph + 0 + a], \
+                   y + font->coordinates[8*glyph + 0 + b], 0)); 
+           do_corner(v00, t00, 0,1);
+           do_corner(v10, t10, 2,1);
+           do_corner(v11, t11, 2,3);
+           do_corner(v01, t01, 0,3);
+#undef do_corner
+           std::pair<Pt,Pt> deriv0 = texDerivs(v00,v01,v10, t00,t01,t10);
+#define do_vertex(ver, tex) \
+ glMultiTexCoord(GL_TEXTURE0, tex - .25 * deriv0.first - .25*deriv0.second); \
+ glMultiTexCoord(GL_TEXTURE1, tex + .25 * deriv0.first - .25*deriv0.second); \
+ glMultiTexCoord(GL_TEXTURE2, tex - .25 * deriv0.first + .25*deriv0.second); \
+ glMultiTexCoord(GL_TEXTURE3, tex + .25 * deriv0.first + .25*deriv0.second); \
+ glVertex(ver);
+           do_vertex(v00, t00);
+           do_vertex(v10, t10);
+           do_vertex(v11, t11);
+           do_vertex(v01, t01);
+           DBG(dbg_text)<<"Coords: "<<v00<<v10<<v11<<v01<<"\n";
+           DBG(dbg_text)<<"Tex: "<<t00<<t10<<t11<<t01<<"\n";
+           DBG(dbg_text)<<"derivs: "<<deriv0.first<<deriv0.second<<"\n";
+           // Assume the transformation is the same all through the quad.
+           // pair<Pt,Pt> deriv1 = texDerivs(v11,v01,v10, t11,t01,t10);
+           x += font->advances[glyph];
+       }
+       glEnd();
+       font->unbindTextures();
+       GLERR;
+       DBG(dbg_text) << "End text render\n";
+    }
+typedef TextSuper4Base<unicodecharvector> TextSuper4;
Index: libvob/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/GL.java
diff -u libvob/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/GL.java:1.28 
--- libvob/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/GL.java:1.28    Wed Oct 22 04:57:48 2003
+++ libvob/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/GL.java Fri Oct 31 02:22:09 2003
@@ -903,6 +903,12 @@
        /** Add a dependency.
         * Adds an object that mustn't get garbage collected
         * before this one.
+        * For example, if you use a texture id that you get from
+        * a GL.Texture object's getTexId() method, you should
+        * probably ensure that that texture won't get deleted
+        * before this display list. Calling displayList.addDepend()
+        * with the texture object ensures this as it stores a reference
+        * to the texture in this display list.
        public void addDepend(Object o) {
            if(depends == null) depends = new ArrayList();
Index: libvob/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/SimpleAlphaFont.java
diff -u libvob/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/SimpleAlphaFont.java:1.4 
--- libvob/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/SimpleAlphaFont.java:1.4        Wed Oct 22 
04:57:48 2003
+++ libvob/org/nongnu/libvob/gl/SimpleAlphaFont.java    Fri Oct 31 02:22:09 2003
@@ -85,6 +85,12 @@
        return textures;
+    static public GLFont convertFont(GL.FTFont ftfont, int border, 
+                                       float xscale, float yscale,
+                                       String[] texParams) {
+       return convertFont(ftfont, border, xscale, yscale, texParams, 1);
+    }
     /** Convert a file name to FTFont to a GLFont.
      * @param ftfont The FTFont to convert.
      * @param border The amount of border (in texels) to add around the
@@ -94,7 +100,7 @@
     static public GLFont convertFont(GL.FTFont ftfont, int border, 
                                        float xscale, float yscale,
-                                       String[] texParams) {
+                                       String[] texParams, int ntexunits) {
        float height = (ftfont.getHeight()  >> 6) * yscale;
        float yoffs = (ftfont.getYOffs()  >> 6) * yscale;
@@ -111,6 +117,12 @@
        Mosaic2D.Tile[] tiles = generateTiles(chars, meas, border);
        GL.Texture[] textures = createTextures(tiles, bitmaps, texParams);
+       GL.Texture[] multextures = new GL.Texture[ntexunits * textures.length];
+       for(int i=0; i<textures.length; i++) {
+           for(int j=0; j<ntexunits; j++) {
+               multextures[j + ntexunits*i] = textures[i];
+           }
+       }
        for(int i=0; i<chars.length; i++) {
            if(tiles[i].w == 0) continue;
@@ -129,11 +141,16 @@
        GL.QuadFont quadFont = GL.createQuadFont();
+       String[] texUnits = new String[ntexunits];
+       String[] texTypes = new String[ntexunits];
+       for(int i=0; i<ntexunits; i++) {
+           texUnits[i] = "TEXTURE"+i+"_ARB";
+           texTypes[i] = "TEXTURE_2D";
+       }
-               new String[] { "TEXTURE0_ARB" },
-               new String[] { "TEXTURE_2D" },
-               new String[] { "TEXTURE0_ARB" },
-               textures);
+               texUnits, texTypes, texUnits,
+               multextures);
@@ -164,6 +181,8 @@
        return a;
     static private byte tobyte(int a) {
+       if(a < 0) return 0;
+       if(a > 255) return -1;
        if(a > 127) return (byte)(a - 256);
        return (byte)a;
@@ -172,17 +191,23 @@
     static private void shrinkX(byte[] data, int width, int height, int fac) {
-       if(fac != 2) throw new Error("!!!");
-       for(int i=0; i<data.length / 2; i++) 
-           data[i] = avg(data[2*i], data[2*i+1]);
+       // Assert power of two!
+       while(fac > 1) {
+           for(int i=0; i<data.length / 2; i++) 
+               data[i] = avg(data[2*i], data[2*i+1]);
+           fac /= 2;
+       }
     static private void shrinkY(byte[] data, int width, int height, int fac) {
-       if(fac != 2) throw new Error("!!!");
-       for(int y=0; y<height/2; y++) {
-           for(int x=0; x<width; x++) {
-               data[x+width*y] = avg(data[x+width*(2*y)], 
+       // Assert power of two!
+       while(fac > 1) {
+           for(int y=0; y<height/2; y++) {
+               for(int x=0; x<width; x++) {
+                   data[x+width*y] = avg(data[x+width*(2*y)], 
+               }
+           fac /= 2;
@@ -214,6 +239,130 @@
+    static private void sharpen(byte[] data, byte[] into, int w, int h, float 
a, float b) {
+       float c = 1 - 4*a - 4*b;
+       for(int x=1; x<w-1; x++) {
+           for(int y=1; y<h-1; y++) {
+               into[x + y*w] = 
+                   tobyte((int)(
+                   c * toint(data[(x+0) + (y+0)*w]) +
+                   a * toint(data[(x+1) + (y+0)*w]) + 
+                   a * toint(data[(x-1) + (y+0)*w]) + 
+                   a * toint(data[(x+0) + (y+1)*w]) + 
+                   a * toint(data[(x+0) + (y-1)*w]) + 
+                   b * toint(data[(x+1) + (y+1)*w]) +
+                   b * toint(data[(x+1) + (y-1)*w]) +
+                   b * toint(data[(x-1) + (y+1)*w]) +
+                   b * toint(data[(x-1) + (y-1)*w]))) ;
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    /** Filter the downsampled texture levels of a given texture 
+     * with a sharpening filter.
+     * @param f The font to filter
+     * @param a The coefficient to use for direct s or t neighbour
+     * @param b The coefficient to use for diagonal neighbours
+     */
+    static public void filterDownsampled(GL.QuadFont f, float a, float b, 
String[] texParams) {
+       GL.Texture[] textures = f.getTextures();
+       for(int t=0; t<textures.length; t++) {
+           GL.Texture tex = textures[t];
+           tex.setTexParameter("TEXTURE_2D", 
+                       "GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS", "FALSE");
+           int[] widths = new int[20];
+           int[] heights = new int[20];
+           byte[][] bytes = new byte[20][];
+           for(int lod = 0; ; lod++) {
+               widths[lod] = (int)(tex.getLevelParameter(lod, 
+               heights[lod] = (int)(tex.getLevelParameter(lod, 
+               int width = widths[lod];
+               int height = heights[lod];
+               bytes[lod] = new byte[width * height];
+               tex.getTexImage(lod, "ALPHA", "UNSIGNED_BYTE", bytes[lod]);
+               if(width == 1 && height == 1)
+                   break;
+           }
+           GL.call("DeleteTextures "+tex.getTexId()+"\n");
+           for(int i=0; i<texParams.length; i+=2) 
+               tex.setTexParameter("TEXTURE_2D", texParams[i], texParams[i+1]);
+           for(int lod = 0; bytes[lod] != null; lod++) {
+               int width = widths[lod];
+               int height = heights[lod];
+               byte[] data = bytes[lod];
+               byte[] dataInto = new byte[width * height];
+               sharpen(data, dataInto, width, height, a, b);
+               tex.texImage2D(lod, "ALPHA", width, height, 0, 
+                                       "ALPHA", "UNSIGNED_BYTE", dataInto);
+               tex.getTexImage(lod, "ALPHA", "UNSIGNED_BYTE", data);
+               /*
+               pa("Converted "+a+" "+b+" "+width+" "+height);
+               for(int i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
+                   pa("Comp: "+i+" "+data[i]+" "+dataInto[i]);
+                   if(data[i] != dataInto[i]) 
+                       throw new Error("?!?!");
+               }
+               */
+           }
+       }
+    }
+    static public void changeFormat(GL.QuadFont f, String newFormat,
+                                           String[] texParams) {
+       GL.Texture[] textures = f.getTextures();
+       for(int t=0; t<textures.length; t++) {
+           GL.Texture tex = textures[t];
+           tex.setTexParameter("TEXTURE_2D", 
+                       "GENERATE_MIPMAP_SGIS", "FALSE");
+           int[] widths = new int[20];
+           int[] heights = new int[20];
+           byte[][] bytes = new byte[20][];
+           for(int lod = 0; ; lod++) {
+               widths[lod] = (int)(tex.getLevelParameter(lod, 
+               heights[lod] = (int)(tex.getLevelParameter(lod, 
+               int width = widths[lod];
+               int height = heights[lod];
+               bytes[lod] = new byte[width * height];
+               tex.getTexImage(lod, "ALPHA", "UNSIGNED_BYTE", bytes[lod]);
+               if(width == 1 && height == 1)
+                   break;
+           }
+           GL.call("DeleteTextures "+tex.getTexId()+"\n");
+           for(int i=0; i<texParams.length; i+=2) 
+               tex.setTexParameter("TEXTURE_2D", texParams[i], texParams[i+1]);
+           for(int lod = 0; bytes[lod] != null; lod++) {
+               int width = widths[lod];
+               int height = heights[lod];
+               byte[] data = bytes[lod];
+               tex.texImage2D(lod, newFormat, width, height, 0, 
+                                       newFormat, "UNSIGNED_BYTE", data);
+               /*
+               pa("Converted "+a+" "+b+" "+width+" "+height);
+               for(int i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
+                   pa("Comp: "+i+" "+data[i]+" "+dataInto[i]);
+                   if(data[i] != dataInto[i]) 
+                       throw new Error("?!?!");
+               }
+               */
+           }
+       }
+    }
     /** Get a DrawPixels gl renderable for drawing the actual texels
      * of a given level for a given character using a GL_LUMINANCE mapping.
@@ -241,7 +390,7 @@
        byte[] ndata = new byte[w*h];
        for(int xi = 0; xi < w; xi ++) {
            for(int yi = 0; yi < h; yi ++) {
-               ndata[xi + w*yi] = data[x + xi + width * (y + yi)];
+               ndata[xi + w*yi] = data[x + xi + width * (y + (h-1 - yi))];
        GL.ByteVector v = GL.createByteVector(w*h);
Index: libvob/vob/demo/aniso/fontscene.py
diff -u libvob/vob/demo/aniso/fontscene.py:1.1 
--- libvob/vob/demo/aniso/fontscene.py:1.1      Wed Oct 22 04:57:49 2003
+++ libvob/vob/demo/aniso/fontscene.py  Fri Oct 31 02:22:09 2003
@@ -10,18 +10,21 @@
        # self.anisos = [1, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0]
        # self.anisos = [1, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 2.0]
+       self.filters = [None, (-.25,-.125)]
        self.anisos = [1, 2]
-       height = self.height = 64
+       height = self.height = 128
        # string = "AIOSs"
-       string = "S"
+       string = "SP"
        self.ftfont = vob.gl.GL.createFTFont(
                    height, height)
-       self.fonts = [[
+       self.fonts = [[[
                self.ftfont, 30,
                1./self.height, 1./self.height,
@@ -31,81 +34,84 @@
                    for i in range(0, len(self.anisos))]
+                       for k in range(0, len(self.filters))]
                        for j in range(0,2)]
+       self.superfont = \
+           vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.convertFont(
+               self.ftfont, 30,
+               1./self.height, 1./self.height,
+                   [
+                           "TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER", "LINEAR",
+                           "TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER", "LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR",
+                           "TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT", "2"
+                   ], 4)
        # 0: horizontal, 1: vertical
-       for i in range(0, len(self.fonts[0])):
-           vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.postprocessGLFont_reduceReso(
-               self.fonts[0][i].getQuadFont(), self.anisos[i], 1)
-       for i in range(0, len(self.fonts[1])):
-           vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.postprocessGLFont_reduceReso(
-               self.fonts[1][i].getQuadFont(), 1, self.anisos[i])
-       if 0: 
-           self.ftfonts = [
-               vob.gl.GL.createFTFont(
-                   "/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/n019003l.pfb",
-                   height, height, int(a * (1<<16)), 0, 0, 1<<16)
-                   for a in self.anisos]
-           self.fonts = [
-               vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.convertFont(
-                   self.ftfonts[i],
-                   80,
-                   1./self.height / self.anisos[i], 1./self.height,
-                   [
+       for k in range(0, len(self.filters)):
+           for i in range(0, len(self.fonts[0][k])):
+               if self.anisos[i] > 1:
+                   vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.postprocessGLFont_reduceReso(
+                       self.fonts[0][k][i].getQuadFont(), self.anisos[i], 1)
+               if self.filters[k]:
+                   vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.filterDownsampled(
+                       self.fonts[0][k][i].getQuadFont(), self.filters[k][0], 
+                       [
                            "TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER", "LINEAR",
                            "TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER", "LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR",
-                   for i in range(0, len(self.anisos))]
-           self.vftfonts = [
-               vob.gl.GL.createFTFont(
-                   "/usr/share/fonts/type1/gsfonts/n019003l.pfb",
-                   height, height, (1<<16), 0, 0, int(a*(1<<16)))
-                   for a in self.anisos]
-           self.vfonts = [
-               vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.convertFont(
-                   self.vftfonts[i],
-                   80,
-                   1./self.height, 1./self.height / self.anisos[i], 
-                   [
+           for i in range(0, len(self.fonts[1][k])):
+               if self.anisos[i] > 1:
+                   vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.postprocessGLFont_reduceReso(
+                       self.fonts[1][k][i].getQuadFont(), 1, self.anisos[i])
+               if self.filters[k]:
+                   vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.filterDownsampled(
+                       self.fonts[1][k][i].getQuadFont(), self.filters[k][0], 
+                       [
                            "TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER", "LINEAR",
                            "TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER", "LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR",
-                   for i in range(0, len(self.anisos))]
-       self.texts = [[
+       self.texts = [[[
                string, 0, 0)
-           for f in fonts] for fonts in self.fonts]
+           for f in fonts2] for fonts2 in fonts] for fonts in self.fonts]
+       self.supertext =  \
+           vob.gl.GLRen.createTextSuper4(self.superfont.getQuadFont(),
+               string, 0, 0)
-       self.levels = [
+       self.levels = [[
            [   [
-                   vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.getLevelDrawPixels(f.getQuadFont(), 
83, level)
+                   vob.gl.SimpleAlphaFont.getLevelDrawPixels(f.getQuadFont(), 
ord(string[0]), level)
                    for level in range(0,9)]
-               for f in fonts
+               for f in fonts2]
+               for fonts2 in fonts
            for fonts in self.fonts]
        self.key = KeyPresses(
            ListIndex("aniso", "anisos", 0, "Anisotropy (index of list)", "A", 
-           Toggle("shift", 0, "Shift text", "s"),
+           ListIndex("filter", "filters", 0, "Mipmap filter", "F", "f"),
+           Toggle("shift", 0, "Shift text", "m"),
            Toggle("vert", 0, "Aniso vertically", "v"),
+           Toggle("super4", 0, "Supersample", "s"),
            SlideLin("lodbias", 0, .1, "LOD bias", "b", "B"),
            SlideLin("rotation", 0, 1, "Rotation", ">", "<"),
     def scene(self, vs):
        vs.put( background((1,1,1)))
-       print "Aniso:",self.anisos[self.aniso],self.vert
+       print "Aniso:",self.anisos[self.aniso],self.vert,self.filter
-       text = self.texts[self.vert][self.aniso]
+       if self.super4:
+           text = self.supertext
+       else:
+           text = self.texts[self.vert][self.filter][self.aniso]
        shifted = vs.translateCS(0, "SH", 5 * self.shift, 3 * self.shift)
        shifted = vs.rotateCS(shifted, "R", self.rotation)
@@ -120,20 +126,30 @@
        """ % locals()))
        if 1:
-           ni = 13
+           ni = 5
            y0 = 20
-           for size in (8, 8.1,  9.3, 10.4,12,16):
+           if self.super4:
+               vs.put(getDListNocoords(
+                   vob.lava.normalizedquads.super4TexSetupCode() +
+                   vob.lava.normalizedquads.super4CombinerCode()))
+           for size in (8, 9.3, 10.4,12,16):
                for x in range(0,ni):
                    for y in range(0, ni):
                            vs.orthoCS(shifted, str((size,x,y,"A")), 0, 
-                               20 + (1*int(size*1.12)+1./ni) * x,
+                               20 + (1*int(size*1.42)+1./ni) * x,
                                y0 + 20 + (int(size*1.12)+1./ni) * y,
                                size, size))
                y0 += int(ni * size * 1.2 )
-           if 1:
+           if self.super4:
+               vs.put(getDListNocoords(
+                   vob.lava.normalizedquads.super4TeardownCode() + """
+                   Disable REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV
+                   """
+                   ))
+           if not self.super4:
                for level in range(0,8):
-                   vs.put(self.levels[self.vert][self.aniso][level],
                        vs.orthoCS(0, str(("I",level)), 0, 
                                500, 150 + 70 * level, 1, 1))
        if 0:
Index: libvob/vob/demo/aniso/probe2.py
diff -u libvob/vob/demo/aniso/probe2.py:1.1 libvob/vob/demo/aniso/probe2.py:1.2
--- libvob/vob/demo/aniso/probe2.py:1.1 Wed Oct 22 05:00:50 2003
+++ libvob/vob/demo/aniso/probe2.py     Fri Oct 31 02:22:09 2003
@@ -60,50 +60,17 @@
        "RGBA", "UNSIGNED_BYTE", ebytes)
-quadlist = vob.gl.GL.createDisplayList("""
-    Begin QUADS
-    TexCoord 0 0
-    Vertex 0 0
-    TexCoord 0 1
-    Vertex 0 1
-    TexCoord 1 1
-    Vertex 1 1
-    TexCoord 1 0
-    Vertex 1 0
-    End
+quadlist = vob.lava.normalizedquads.simpleQuadList(0,0,1,1)
 quadlistId = quadlist.getDisplayListID()
 lc = -1
 uc = 2
-triplequadlist = vob.gl.GL.createDisplayList("""
-    Begin QUADS
-    TexCoord %(lc)s %(lc)s
-    Vertex %(lc)s %(lc)s
-    TexCoord %(lc)s %(uc)s
-    Vertex %(lc)s %(uc)s
-    TexCoord %(uc)s %(uc)s
-    Vertex %(uc)s %(uc)s
-    TexCoord %(uc)s %(lc)s
-    Vertex %(uc)s %(lc)s
-    End
-""" % locals())
+triplequadlist = vob.lava.normalizedquads.simpleQuadList(lc,lc,uc,uc)
 triplequadlistId = triplequadlist.getDisplayListID()
 lc = -2
 uc = 3
-quintuplequadlist = vob.gl.GL.createDisplayList("""
-    Begin QUADS
-    TexCoord %(lc)s %(lc)s
-    Vertex %(lc)s %(lc)s
-    TexCoord %(lc)s %(uc)s
-    Vertex %(lc)s %(uc)s
-    TexCoord %(uc)s %(uc)s
-    Vertex %(uc)s %(uc)s
-    TexCoord %(uc)s %(lc)s
-    Vertex %(uc)s %(lc)s
-    End
-""" % locals())
+quintuplequadlist = vob.lava.normalizedquads.simpleQuadList(lc,lc,uc,uc)
 quintuplequadlistId = quintuplequadlist.getDisplayListID()
 if fsaaCompatibility:
@@ -111,9 +78,7 @@
     quadlistId = triplequadlistId
 xoffs = 0
-list = ["""
-    BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %s
-""" % tex.getTexId()]
+list = []
 sqx = 10
 sqy = 100
@@ -149,20 +114,25 @@
     color = (1. / (levelSize * levelSize));
     if not fsaaCompatibility:
-       xoffsflub = xoffs
+       xoffsflub = xoffs 
            CopyTexImage2D TEXTURE_2D 0 RGBA8 %(xoffsflub)s %(yingl)s 
%(levelSize)s %(levelSize)s 0
            """ % locals())
+       # Get the texture properly sized
+       list2.append("""
+           CopyTexImage2D TEXTURE_2D 0 RGBA8 0 0 %(levelSize)s %(levelSize)s 0
+           """ % locals())
        # XXX ??? !!! For some reason, the X coordinate is in 
        # ABSOLUTE SCREEN COORDINATES on NV 44.96 when using Gf4Go FSAA.
        # Y coordinate is normal.
        # Strange bug, anyone? 
-       xoffsflub = xoffs - 3
+       flub = -3
        for x in range(0, maxsize >> i):
            for y in range(0, maxsize >> i):
-               xm = xoffsflub + 3 + x*4
-               ym = yingl + 3 + y*4
+               xm = flub + 2 + (x+xoffs)*4
+               ym = 768 - ( 3 + (levelSize -1 - y)*4 )
                    CopyTexSubImage2D TEXTURE_2D 0 %(x)s %(y)s %(xm)s %(ym)s 1 1
                """ % locals())
@@ -229,6 +199,7 @@
            SlideLog("scale", .09, "isotropic scale", "k", "j"),
            SlideLog("aniso", 1, "anisotropy", "l", "h"),
            ListIndex("minfilter", "minfilters", 0, "Filter type", "F", "f"),
+           Toggle("super4", 0, "4xSS", "s"),
     def scene(self, vs):
        self.vs = vs
@@ -252,7 +223,7 @@
        # Set rotation and scale center to halfway of the texel
        texturemat = vs.translateCS(texturemat, "D", -.5, -.5)
-       tex.setTexParameter("TEXTURE_2D", "TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER", "LINEAR")
+       tex.setTexParameter("TEXTURE_2D", "TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER", "NEAREST")
        tex.setTexParameter("TEXTURE_2D", "TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER", 
        tex.setTexParameter("TEXTURE_2D", "TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT", 
@@ -272,18 +243,32 @@
        if zeroval == 0:
-           vs.put(getDListNocoords(vob.putil.nvcode.parseCombiner("""
+           if self.super4:
+               vs.put(getDListNocoords(vob.putil.nvcode.parseCombiner("""
-               Enable REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV
+                   Enable REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV
-               # SPARE0 = ( (+TEX0) ) * 2
+                   SPARE0 = (TEX0 + TEX1) * 0.5
-               SPARE0 = ( (+TEX0) )* 2
+                   SPARE1 = (TEX2 + TEX3) * 0.5
-               color = SPARE0
-               alpha = 1
+                   color = SPARE0 + SPARE1
+                   alpha = 1
-           """)))
+               """)))
+           else:
+               vs.put(getDListNocoords(vob.putil.nvcode.parseCombiner("""
+                   Enable REGISTER_COMBINERS_NV
+                   # SPARE0 = ( (+TEX0) ) * 2
+                   SPARE0 = ( (+TEX0) )* 2
+                   color = SPARE0
+                   alpha = 1
+               """)))
@@ -299,7 +284,22 @@
-       vs.put(list)
+       if self.super4:
+           vs.put(getDListNocoords(
+               vob.lava.normalizedquads.super4SetupCode(tex)))
+           vs.put(list)
+           vs.put(getDListNocoords(
+               vob.lava.normalizedquads.super4TeardownCode()))
+       else:
+           vs.put(getDListNocoords("""
+               BindTexture TEXTURE_2D %s
+           """ % tex.getTexId()))
+           vs.put(list)
+           vs.put(getDListNocoords("""
+               BindTexture TEXTURE_2D 0
+           """))
Index: libvob/vob/lava/snaps/aniso_fontscene.py
diff -u libvob/vob/lava/snaps/aniso_fontscene.py:1.1 
--- libvob/vob/lava/snaps/aniso_fontscene.py:1.1        Wed Oct 22 04:57:49 2003
+++ libvob/vob/lava/snaps/aniso_fontscene.py    Fri Oct 31 02:22:10 2003
@@ -27,27 +27,30 @@
 from vob.putil.snapshotutil import *
-def run():
-    scene = vob.demo.aniso.fontscene.Scene()
+footprint = (19, 32, 67, 99)
+def setState(scene):
     # Base shot
     scene.aniso = 0
     scene.shift = 0
     scene.vert = 0
     scene.lodbias = 0
-    footprint = (20, 25, 140, 140)
+def run():
+    scene = vob.demo.aniso.fontscene.Scene()
+    setState(scene)
     def sh(file):
        vs = getvs()
        shoot(file, vs, *footprint)
-    sh("snaps/aniso-font-trilinear.png")
-    scene.lodbias = -1
-    sh("snaps/aniso-font-lodbias.png")
-    scene.lodbias = 0
+    sh("tmpsnaps/aniso-font-trilinear.png")
     scene.aniso = 1
-    sh("snaps/aniso-font-horiz2.png")
+    sh("tmpsnaps/aniso-font-vert2.png")
     scene.vert = 1
-    sh("snaps/aniso-font-vert2.png")
+    sh("tmpsnaps/aniso-font-horiz2.png")
+    scene.super4 = 1
+    sh("tmpsnaps/aniso-font-super4.png")
Index: libvob/vob/lava/snaps/aniso_gf4go.py
diff -u libvob/vob/lava/snaps/aniso_gf4go.py:1.1 
--- libvob/vob/lava/snaps/aniso_gf4go.py:1.1    Wed Oct 22 04:57:49 2003
+++ libvob/vob/lava/snaps/aniso_gf4go.py        Fri Oct 31 02:22:10 2003
@@ -1,110 +1,31 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003, Tuomas J. Lukka
-# This file is part of Libvob.
-# Libvob is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Libvob is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-# Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
-# Public License along with Libvob; if not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
-# MA  02111-1307  USA
-# Screenshots for the aniso article to be taken on gf4go:
-# Example footprints of bilinear, trilinear, anisotropic
-# and too anisotropic footprints, as well as the text quality 
-# scene
+# (c) Tuomas J. Lukka
+# To be run using __GL_FSAA_MODE=4
 from __future__ import nested_scopes
+import vob
+import java
 from vob.putil.snapshotutil import *
-def run():
-    scene = vob.demo.aniso.probe2.Scene()
-    scene.rot = 30
-    scene.scale = .09
-    scene.ctrx=.463
-    scene.ctry=.523
+java.lang.System.setProperty("__GL_FSAA_MODE", "4")
+from vob.lava.snaps.aniso_gffx import footprint, setISO, setANISO
-    k = 150
-    footprint = (700-k, 450-k, 100+2*k, 100+2*k)
-    # footprint = (0,0,1024,768)
+def run():
+    scene = vob.demo.aniso.probe2.Scene()
+    setISO(scene)
     def sh(file):
        vs = getvs()
        shoot(file, vs, *footprint)
-    # Nearest
-    scene.maxlevel = 0
-    scene.minfilter = scene.minfilters.index("NEAREST")
-    sh("snaps/aniso-gf4go-nearest.png")
-    # Bilinear
-    scene.maxlevel = 3
-    scene.minfilter = scene.minfilters.index("LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST")
-    sh("snaps/aniso-gf4go-bilinear.png")
-    # Trilinear
-    scene.minfilter = scene.minfilters.index("LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR")
-    sh("snaps/aniso-gf4go-trilinear.png")
-    # Anisotropic cs
-    scene.ctry=.498
-    scene.ctrx=.483
-    scene.rot = 5
-    scene.aniso = 2
-    # Anisotropic nearest
-    scene.minfilter = scene.minfilters.index("NEAREST")
-    scene.maxlevel = 0
-    sh("snaps/aniso-gf4go-aniso-nearest.png")
-    # Anisotropic trilinear
     scene.minfilter = scene.minfilters.index("LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR")
-    scene.faniso = 1
-    scene.maxlevel = 4
+    scene.maxlevel=2
-    sh("snaps/aniso-gf4go-trilinear-aniso.png")
+    sh("tmpsnaps/aniso-gf4go-tbl-iso-fsaa.png")
-    # Anisotropic, with aniso filter
-    scene.faniso = 10
-    scene.maxlevel = 3
-    sh("snaps/aniso-gf4go-aniso.png")
-    # ortho text
-    scene = vob.demo.aniso.probe2.Scene()
-    scene.faniso = 1
-    scene.rot = 0
-    scene.scale = .09
-    scene.ctrx = .51
-    scene.ctry = .507
-    scene.minfilter = scene.minfilters.index("LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR")
+    setANISO(scene)
+    scene.maxlevel=1
+    scene.faniso=2
+    sh("tmpsnaps/aniso-gf4go-tbl-aniso-fsaa.png")
-    sh("snaps/aniso-gf4go-ortho-trilinear.png")
-    # Anisotext
-    scene.faniso = 2
-    scene.aniso = 2
-    sh("snaps/aniso-gf4go-ortho-stretchsquish.png")
Index: libvob/vob/putil/demokeys.py
diff -u libvob/vob/putil/demokeys.py:1.5 libvob/vob/putil/demokeys.py:1.6
--- libvob/vob/putil/demokeys.py:1.5    Thu Aug 28 20:00:24 2003
+++ libvob/vob/putil/demokeys.py        Fri Oct 31 02:22:10 2003
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
 # For the compiled regexp class
 somere = re.compile("[ab]")
+dbg = 0
 class KeyPresses:
     """An object that can function as the ``key`` method
     of a gl demo.
@@ -41,10 +43,10 @@
        self.things = args
        self.keymap = {}
        self.res = []
-       print "KEYMAP: things = ",self.things
+       if dbg: print "KEYMAP: things = ",self.things
        for t in self.things:
            for k in t.getKeys():
-               print "KEY: ",k
+               if dbg: print "KEY: ",k
                self.keymap[k[0]] = k[1]
@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@
 class _Presses:
     def __init__(self, opts, *keys):
-       print "PRESSES: ",keys
+       if dbg: print "PRESSES: ",keys
        self.keys = keys
        if opts.get("noAnimation", 0):
            self.keys = [
Index: libvob/vob/putil/snapshots.py
diff -u libvob/vob/putil/snapshots.py:1.1 libvob/vob/putil/snapshots.py:1.2
--- libvob/vob/putil/snapshots.py:1.1   Wed Oct 22 04:57:50 2003
+++ libvob/vob/putil/snapshots.py       Fri Oct 31 02:22:10 2003
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
 class Bindings(vob.AbstractBinder):
     def keystroke(self, s):
+       print "KEY: ",s
        global keyhit
        keyhit = 1
        if s == "Ctrl-Q":
@@ -121,6 +122,7 @@
                    except SnapshotLoop:
                        print "Continuing"
+                   break

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