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[ff-cvs] journals mudyc

From: Matti Katila
Subject: [ff-cvs] journals mudyc
Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 20:09:41 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/fenfire
Module name:    journals
Changes by:     Matti Katila <address@hidden>   03/10/31 20:09:41

Modified files:
        .              : mudyc 

Log message:


Index: journals/mudyc
diff -u journals/mudyc:1.128 journals/mudyc:1.129
--- journals/mudyc:1.128        Fri Oct 31 11:58:30 2003
+++ journals/mudyc      Fri Oct 31 20:09:41 2003
@@ -33,9 +33,6 @@
         - list unclear documentation
         - find XXX
-    - remove pp actions and such crap.
-        - keep sure that noone calls them from fenpdf
     - start FenLand (collecting buoyoing stuff together)
         - Buoy geometry
             - Ctrl-drag to move viewport
@@ -53,19 +50,26 @@
     - [tjl] revamp libvob build so that .vobgenjni &c go into
       a separate directory, not into src/jni. src/jni/gen?
-    - represent animation peg from another perspective
-- ASAP: refactor the getNodeOnPlane stuff - it's really
-  1) unclear 2) ugly 3) undocumented.
-  MainNode2D shouldn't know about nodes.
-  Pass the MainNode or the coordsystems from the mainnode
-  to the View2D.
-  Fix the failing papercanvas2d test!
+    - remove pp actions and such crap. [1.5h]
+        - keep sure that noone calls them from fenpdf
+    - ASAP[tjl]: refactor the getNodeOnPlane stuff - it's really [2.5h]
+      1) unclear 2) ugly 3) undocumented.
+      MainNode2D shouldn't know about nodes.
+      Pass the MainNode or the coordsystems from the mainnode
+      to the View2D.
+        - Fix the failing papercanvas2d test!
+    - selection painter documentation [0.5h]
+    - ParallelView2D [1.5h]
+    - selection painter fixes [1h]
+    - getVersion into fenPDF [.5h]
     - [tjl] fix the dragging of objects on FenPDF:

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