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Re: [Fle3-users] course management

From: sotiria laina
Subject: Re: [Fle3-users] course management
Date: Sun, 08 Feb 2004 23:56:21 +0200

By the way, have you notice our Call for Papers? We have decided to extent the deadline. It is now the end of February. There will be several really interesting articles! Here is the call information:

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***Call for Papers***

We are editing a book of usage of the Fle3 learning environment in different educational practices. The book will be an article collection. The editors are me and Philip Dean. We invite submissions of articles dealing with:

* Fle3 in different educational practices.
* Experiments with Fle3.
* Pedagogical innovations facilitated by Fle3.
* Pedagogical and technical evaluation of Fle3.
* Technical integration and extension of Fle3.

The article should be no more than 7 pages with references.

The extended deadline for the article submission is 28th of February 2004.

The template with formatting guidelines is available at:


Please send your contribution and questions related to the book for me (address@hidden).
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Best regards,

        - Teemu

Teemu Leinonen
Office: + 358 9 756 30 296
GSM: +358 50 351 6796
Media Lab, UIAH Helsinki
Future Learning Environment 3

Fle3-users mailing list

Dear Mr.Teemu,
i found your decision of writing a book for fle an excellent idea!
I will try to find the time in order to catch up with the deadline of sending my paper.
Can i ask for information about FLE's history?
For example, what about the name "FLE"?
I'd appreciate if you could send me a link or something...

I'm looking forward for the book, can i find it later on-line?
Best regards,
Sotiria Laina

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