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Re: [Freeipmi-users] Ipmi-sensors threshold values

From: Al Chu
Subject: Re: [Freeipmi-users] Ipmi-sensors threshold values
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 14:37:27 -0700

Hi Ashish,

On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 17:12 -0400, Ashish Ray wrote:
> 14: Fan 2 (Fan): 9030.00 RPM (1720.00/NA): [At or Below (<=) Lower
> Critical Thre shold]

(Note: 0.3.1 is quite old.  I believe my statements are valid for the
0.3.1 release, but it's a release from quite some time ago, so maybe the
code changed significantly.)

If I had to bet there, may be a bug on your motherboard.  The "At or
below lower critical threshold" comes directly from the sensor.  So if I
had to guess:

A) the 1720 rpm threshold listed by the sensor is invalid.

B) the sensor indicating the "At or below lower critical threshold" flag
is invalid.

Any chance you could update your copy FreeIPMI and run w/ --debug?  I
can give you additional information if you can.


Albert Chu
Computer Scientist
High Performance Systems Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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