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[ft] Freetype/PHP compilation woes

From: Bob Cohen
Subject: [ft] Freetype/PHP compilation woes
Date: Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:10:07 -0400

I'm having trouble compiling freetype into my php. I'm running fedora 9 with Apache 2.0.633 (installed from source) , php 4.4.9 (installed from source) I'm using the GD embedded with PHP.

Using Yum I have installed freetype and freetype-devel.

# rpm -qa | grep -i freetype

This is latest version available via Yum.

Here's the config string,

# ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --enable-magic- quotes --enable-ftp --with-mcrypt=/usr/local --with-mysql=/usr --with- mhash=/usr/local/lib --with-zlib --enable-mbstring --with-gd -with-png --with-jpeg-dir=/usr --with-freetype --with-imap --with-kerberos -- with-imap-ssl --with-ttf --enable-gd-native-ttf --enable-freetype2

Configure runs without complaints.
Make clean              (no complaints)
Make                    (no complaints)
Make install            (no complaints)
/apachect stop/start    (no complaints)

My phpinfo script shows no freetype support???

Any help would be appreciated.

Bob Cohen
Principal, MojoTools Web Design
O:  508.384.0405

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