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[Gcl-commits] mathematically conspire

From: Paul Mendez
Subject: [Gcl-commits] mathematically conspire
Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2006 02:56:30 -0700

We think the fun is just beginning with this stock.
Get  W T A F  first thing tomorrow, this is going to explode next 2-3
This is your chance to get your hands on one of these fast moving
stocks and take short term profits.
How many times have you seen issues explode but you couldn't get
your hands on them?
It is only a matter of time before it is released out into the
investment community and they take it to the moon.

Trade Date : Monday, June 5, 2006
Company : Wataire Industries
S t o c k : W T A F Timing is everything!
Profits of 200-500 % EXPECTED
Current Price : $0.60
7-Day Target : $1 - $4
Status : 200-400%

Remember this is a  S T R O N G  B U Y  RECOMMENDATION...

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