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Re: [gNewSense-users] website/wiki seperation

From: Daniel Taylor
Subject: Re: [gNewSense-users] website/wiki seperation
Date: Wed, 06 Dec 2006 12:27:33 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20061115)

MJ Ray wrote:
Dean Linkous <address@hidden> wrote:
Or maybe the website could be the "pretty" face and the actual website menu 
provide direct links to the various sections/projects of the wiki as well as providing 
consistent navigation?

Am I alone in this line of thought?

You are not alone in thinking it, but you may be alone in acting on it.

Best wishes,

I'm with you on this, I'm not a big fan of the current website for a couple of reasons, but I've not really got the time to fix it.

- daniel

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