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Re: OR fix the prefix of eachmessage header

From: Jochen Schnapka
Subject: Re: OR fix the prefix of eachmessage header
Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2002 13:16:10 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 12:46:39PM +0200, Pawel Kot wrote:
> > Please could you include a short (e.g. 2 or 3 chars) Subject prefix 
> > identifyinge the mailing list? (Something like [G] or #G# - may be even 
> > instead of 3 char Re:?)
> This would be silly. IMHO the option is none or [gnokii].
> > Please try to help me (and all others who miss it).
> Frankly I can't understand people complaining about it. The gnokii
> mailing list was working for about 3 years without extra string in the
> header. And there was no single request for it. Not that I know about.
> Now I set it as the experiment to find whether it is useful. And it appears
> that it makes more harm then profit.
> Personally I don't really think that it would disturb in any way (8" screen
> is *NOT* a valid argument, messing sobject line with the broken readers
> neither), but I don't miss it anyway.

Personally I hate lists, that mangle with the subject, because it is 
redundant. I can see from the 'To:'-Line, whether it's a list mail or a 
personal one. Of course, you have to use a mail reader that supports 
customizing the fields displayed in ones message overview :-) (e.g. mutt)

But i could live with [gnokii], if i had to. :-)



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