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Re: DLL version of Gnokii for Win32

From: Feico de Boer
Subject: Re: DLL version of Gnokii for Win32
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 14:38:42 +0200

 > ----- Original Message -----
 > From: "Pawel Kot" <address@hidden>
 > To: <address@hidden>
 > Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 2:04 PM
 > Subject: Re: DLL version of Gnokii for Win32


Hmm, just GNOKII_API will do for me. ;-) This was supposed to be a 'proof of
concept' and as such any search/replace can still be applied.

 > And according to the patch:
 > --- win32/gnokii_vc6/config1 2 Apr 2002 00:15:24 -0000 1.1
 > +++ win32/gnokii_vc6/config1 10 Apr 2002 11:15:47 -0000
 > +#define VERSION "0.4.0pre16"
 > +#define XVERSION "20010323" // Don't really
 > +#define XGNOKIIDIR "/xgnokii" // need these.
 > It does not make sense in fact. Can't you use something similiar to
 > script to take contents of the VERSION file automatically?

Actually that is in the comments of the mentioned file, a TODO therefore.
First I wanted to get the DLL stuff working and after that fixing the
Windows 'config' stuff.

 > Please use only "/*" comments.

I'll try to confirm to the standard.

For now, an I assume that:
1) you agree with the API specification prefix?
2) you agree with the API defines in config.h?

If so, I can continue to make the 'proof-of-concept' into something more


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