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Re: 5110 poweroff issues

From: Gaby Vanhegan
Subject: Re: 5110 poweroff issues
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 09:50:41 +0100
User-agent: Microsoft-Entourage/9.0.2509

> I have a script that checks every minute for the presence of messages on
> the 5110 using gnokii. This however seems to turn off the phone after a
> couple of days - i imagine there is a bug in the phone that occurs when
> high numbers of connections via the data cable occur.
> Is there a way to connect to the phone once and then just issues commands
> via a socket ? I see talk about smsd - is this what that is ?

I had exactly the same problem with a 5110.  I solved it by using the
Gnokii::GSM perl modules to connect once to the phone and poll the phone
every 2 seconds for new messages.  One caveat is that the version of
Gnokii::GSM that I use only compiles under gnokii-3.3.0.

The previous system used a shell script to call gnokii via the command line
but this caused the phone to turn itself off after 3-5 days.


Gaby Vanhegan, Web Developer
Telephone +44(0)113 234 5600   Fax +44(0)113 234 5601

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