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Nokia 6100 still breaks: my experience

From: Tirs Abril
Subject: Nokia 6100 still breaks: my experience
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 22:59:00 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.7.1

A Dilluns 31 Gener 2005 17:53, address@hidden va escriure:

> It works for me now, after deleting several Calendar Entrys in the
> phone. But, my phone got broken, when I started xgnokii!!! Same issue as
> it was desribed before in thies list: After entering the PIN-Number, the
> phone hangs. So, using gnokii 6100 with irda is still dangerous, even
> with firmware revision 5.80 !!!! Don't make the same mistake like me.
> I'll take the phone to dealer and I hope it can be repaired.

Well, some good news and some bad news about this:

- It can be EASILY repaired. Actually only the firmware got erased, and they 
only need to connect it to somewhere (a PC?) with an image of the firmware 
and reload again. It's a 5-minute work, but probably they will charge 1 hour. 
Actually, according to my son, it's something you can do yourself if you get 
a copy of the firmware, only that he didn't know where to get it (he does not 
have a 6100).

- You will lose all your data. Contacts, logos, calendar items, tones... 
everything. It's like a "fsck /dev/hda1". Hope you have a backup. BTW, and in  
the field of anecdotic knowledge: did you know that the Asian firmware comes 
with more goodies than the European one? I discovered when they reloaded my 
Taiwanese Nokia with the European firmware: instead of only Traditional 
Chinese and English, now I have most Western European languages (including 
Spanish - hooray!), but some tones, bitmaps and the "bouncing ball" game were 
missing. Fortunately I had backups!

the IrDA when my phone got erased! I know it's strange, but that's how it 
goes. Maybe a problem in the Taiwanese firmware? Unfortunately we cannot 
check if there is any difference because now I got the European version.

- And, to finish this (hopefully useful) message, a request: Can anyone 
investigate about the Do It Yourself way to reload the firmware into an 
erased phone? It would be unvaluable to do the tests as often as we need an 
thus isolate the problem! I am on it, but no results as of now. For example, 
some command to "dump" all the memory to a disk file, and then reload it in 
case of need.

Tirs Abril i Sanz

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