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Re: Calling gnokii.dll function in windows

From: Jari Turkia
Subject: Re: Calling gnokii.dll function in windows
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 2008 13:22:50 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080914)

Luciano Napoli wrote:
I have a problem: I have to use Visual Basic 6 to comunicate with the dll.
The problem is I don't know how to call the function in dll because I don't
what and know parameters to pass.

I personally have never heard anybody using gnokii.dll with VB. You seem to be using a rather old version, however, a newer version does not make any difference.

Gnokii uses internal state structure for operation and it simply is impossible to have such a C-struct on VB-side. On mailing list archives I've once written about C# usability:

The clue to success is to write a C++ wrapper DLL to hide the dirty parts and expose properly callable functions in unmanaged-mode to another wrapper written in native language running in managed mode. With C# this can be done easily. My VB-skills are not that great, so currently I do not know how a C# Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi() -call could be done. However, I'm sure it is possible.

If you're willing to upgrade into freely available Visual Studio 2008 Express and put some time & effort into this, I'm definite we can work something out. Surely you understand me declining to support your tool of choice, it was released almost 10 years ago and the idea is to write publicly available code using tools which still have official support.

Jari Turkia

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