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[gnuastro-commits] master fca894c0 01/11: psf-scale-factor: image and PS

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master fca894c0 01/11: psf-scale-factor: image and PSF are cropped using Warp instead of Crop
Date: Fri, 17 May 2024 08:01:31 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit fca894c03d10222774882de4999fdc4186390b24
Author: Raul Infante-Sainz <>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <>

    psf-scale-factor: image and PSF are cropped using Warp instead of Crop
    Until now, the stamps of the objects and the PSF to make the calibration in
    flux of the PSF was done using Crop. However, this caused some difficulties
    related with small offsets when considering floating point pixels. It is
    possible to use Warp instead of Crop for making this task. The difficulty
    is just that maybe the image and/or the PSF do not have WCS information,
    and thus, Warp is not able to do the job. In this situation it could be
    possible to inject a fake WCS info and then use Warp.
    With this this task has been added, although it is not finished yet. Now
    this script uses Warp for making the crop of both the image and the PSF. In
    the cases where no WCS information is available, a fake/artificial WCS
    information is generated within the script to allow Warp making the warping
    and obtain the desired image and PSF stamps so they can be divided to
    obtain the scaling flux factor.
    In addition to this, I also started to implement a new feature. It consists
    in the possibility of considering different shifts around the given
    coordinate of the star. This is done by two loops so the coordinates are
    located around the center one. Then the ratio and the standard deviation
    between the star and the PSF are computed within the specified ring. After
    doing this, there will be a grid of flux factors, one for each shift. The
    one that gives the minimum standard deviation value is the one considered
    the best.
    Why I started implementing this? Because it is interesting in those
    situations when the center of the stars are not too accurate, or maybe the
    star has moved because its intrinsic proper motion. There could be many
    other situations but in general, having this feature will allow a better
    accurate center estimation when modeling the stars using the PSF.
 bin/script/ | 531 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 275 insertions(+), 256 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/script/ b/bin/script/
index 029172cc..9d2f5380 100644
--- a/bin/script/
+++ b/bin/script/
@@ -436,7 +436,6 @@ objectid="$xcoord"_"$ycoord"
 # Define a temporary directory and the final output file
 # ------------------------------------------------------
@@ -466,35 +465,13 @@ fi
-# Transform WCS to IMG center coordinates
-# ---------------------------------------
-# If the original coordinates have been given in WCS or celestial units
-# (RA/DEC), then transform them to IMG (pixel). Here, this is done by using
-# the WCS information from the original input image. If the original
-# coordinates were done in IMG, then just use them.
-if [ "$mode" = wcs ]; then
-    xycenter=$(echo "$xcoord,$ycoord" \
-                   | asttable  --column='arith $1 $2 wcs-to-img' \
-                               --wcsfile=$inputs --wcshdu=$hdu $quiet)
-    xcenter=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $1}')
-    ycenter=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $2}')
-    xcenter=$xcoord
-    ycenter=$ycoord
 # Compute the width of the stamp
 # ------------------------------
 # If the width of the stamp is specified by the user, use that size.
 # Otherwise, make the stamp width of the same size than two times the
 # maximum radius for computing the flux factor. This is the maximum radius
-# that is needed for computing the flux value.
+# that is needed for computing the scaling flux factor.
 if [ x"$widthinpix" = x ]; then
     xwidthinpix=$(astarithmetic $normradiusmax float32 2.0 x 1.0 + --quiet)
     ywidthinpix=$(astarithmetic $normradiusmax float32 2.0 x 1.0 + --quiet)
@@ -507,281 +484,323 @@ fi
-# Crop the original image around the object
-# -----------------------------------------
+# Warp the PSF image
+# ------------------
-# Crop the object around its center with the given stamp size width.
-astcrop $inputs --hdu=$hdu --mode=img \
-        --center=$xcenter,$ycenter \
-        --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix\
-        --output=$cropped $quiet
-# If the cropped image is not generated, it may happen that it does not
-# overlap with the input image. Save a nan value as the output and
-# continue.
-if ! [ -f $cropped ]; then
-    multifactor=nan
-    # Let the user know what happened.
-    if [ x"$quiet" = x ]; then all_nan_warning; fi
-    # Print the multiplication factor in standard output or in a given file
-    if [ x"$output" = x ]; then echo $multifactor
-    else                        echo $multifactor > $output
-    fi
-    # If the user does not specify to keep the temporal files with the option
-    # `--keeptmp', then remove the whole directory.
-    if [ $keeptmp = 0 ]; then
-        rm -r $tmpdir
-    fi
-    exit 0
+# In principle, the PSF does not have WCS information. Here, fake WCS info
+# is included in order to use warp and center/re-size the PSF to the same
+# size than the warped image. Fake WCS is constructed as follow: reference
+# pixel is the center pixel. This pixel is assigned to be RA, Dec = 0.5,
+# 0.5 deg. Pixel scale is set to 1.0 arcsec/pixel in both axis.
+psfnaxis1=$(astfits $psf --hdu=$psfhdu --keyval NAXIS1 --quiet)
+psfnaxis2=$(astfits $psf --hdu=$psfhdu --keyval NAXIS2 --quiet)
+psfcenter1=$(echo $psfnaxis1 | awk '{print $1/2+0.5}')
+psfcenter2=$(echo $psfnaxis2 | awk '{print $1/2+0.5}')
+# Create the fake WCS image. No data, just WCS.
+echo "1 $psfcenter1 $psfcenter2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" \
+    | astmkprof --oversample=1 \
+                --type=uint8 \
+                --output=$psf_fake_wcs \
+                --cunit="arcsec,arcsec" \
+                --cdelt=$cdelt1,$cdelt2 \
+                --crval=$crval1,$crval2 \
+                --crpix=$psfcenter1,$psfcenter2 \
+                --mergedsize=$psfnaxis1,$psfnaxis2
+# Inject the WCS header into the image.
+astarithmetic $psf --hdu=$psfhdu \
+              --wcsfile=$psf_fake_wcs --output=$psf_wcs
+# Transform the center in img coordinates to center in wcs
+psfxywcs=$(echo "$psfcenter1,$psfcenter2" \
+                | asttable  --column='arith $1 $2 img-to-wcs' \
+                            --wcsfile=$psf_wcs --wcshdu=1 $quiet \
+                            | awk '{printf "%.10e,%.10e\n", $1, $2}')
+# Warp the PSF image around its center with the same size than the image
+astwarp $psf_wcs --hdu=1 \
+        --widthinpix \
+        --center=$psfxywcs \
+        --output=$psf_warped $quiet \
+        --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix
+# Build a radial profile image
+# ----------------------------
+# It will be used to only select pixels within the requested radial range.
+xradcenter=$(astfits $psf_warped --keyval NAXIS1 --quiet \
+                     | awk '{print $1/2+0.5}')
+yradcenter=$(astfits $psf_warped --keyval NAXIS2 --quiet \
+                     | awk '{print $1/2+0.5}')
+maxradius=$(printf "$xwidthinpix\n$ywidthinpix" \
+                   | aststatistics --maximum --quiet)
+echo "1 $xradcenter $yradcenter 7 $maxradius 0 0 1 1 1" \
+     | astmkprof --background=$psf_warped --clearcanvas \
+                 --oversample=1 --output=$rad_warped $quiet
-# Crop and unlabel the segmentation image
+# Transform WCS to IMG center coordinates
 # ---------------------------------------
-# If the user provides a segmentation image, treat it appropiately in order
-# to mask all objects that are not the central one. If not, just consider
-# that the cropped and masked image is the cropped (not masked) image. The
-# process is as follow:
-#   - Compute the central clump and object labels. This is done with the
-#     option '--oneelemstdout' of Crop.
-#   - Crop the original mask image.
-#   - Crop the original mask image to a central region (core), in order to
-#     compute what is the central object id. This is necessary to unmask
-#     this object.
-#   - Compute what is the central object value, using the median value.
-#   - In the original cropped mask, convert all pixels belonging to the
-#     central object to zeros. By doing this, the central object becomes as
-#     sky.
-#   - Mask all non zero pixels in the mask image as nan values.
-if [ x"$segment" != x ]; then
-    # Find the object and clump labels of the target.
-    clab=$(astcrop $segment --hdu=CLUMPS --mode=img --width=1,1 \
-                   --oneelemstdout --center=$xcenter,$ycenter \
-                   --quiet)
-    olab=$(astcrop $segment --hdu=OBJECTS --mode=img --width=1,1 \
-                   --oneelemstdout --center=$xcenter,$ycenter \
-                   --quiet)
-    # If for any reason, a clump or object label couldn't be initialized at
-    # the given coordiante, simply ignore this step. But print a warning so
-    # the user is informed of the situation (and that this is a bug: 'clab'
-    # should be initialized!).
-    if [ x"$clab" = x   -o   x"$olab" = x ]; then
-        if [ x"$quiet" = x ]; then
-            cat <<EOF
-$scriptname: WARNING: no clump or object label could be found in '$segment' 
for the coordinate $center
-        fi
-        cropped_masked=$cropped
-    else
-        # To help in debugging (when '--quiet' is not called)
-        if [ x"$quiet" = x ]; then
-            echo "$scriptname: $segment: at $center, found clump $clab in 
object $olab"
-        fi
+# If the original coordinates have been given in WCS or celestial units
+# (RA/DEC), then transform them to IMG (pixel). Here, this is done by using
+# the WCS information from the original input image. If the original
+# coordinates were done in IMG, then just use them.
+if [ "$mode" = wcs ]; then
+    xycenter=$(echo "$xcoord,$ycoord" \
+                   | asttable  --column='arith $1 $2 wcs-to-img' \
+                               --wcsfile=$inputs --wcshdu=$hdu $quiet)
+    # Center coordinates in WCS and IMG
+    xcwcs=$xcoord
+    ycwcs=$ycoord
+    xcimg=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $1}')
+    ycimg=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $2}')
+    inputs_wcs=$inputs
-        # Crop the object and clump image to same size as desired stamp.
-        cropclp=$tmpdir/cropped-clumps-$objectid.fits
-        cropobj=$tmpdir/cropped-objects-$objectid.fits
-        astcrop $segment --hdu=OBJECTS --mode=img \
-                --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix \
-                --center=$xcenter,$ycenter \
-                --output=$cropobj $quiet
-        astcrop $segment --hdu=CLUMPS --mode=img \
-                --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix \
-                --center=$xcenter,$ycenter \
-                --output=$cropclp $quiet
-        # Mask all the undesired regions.
-        cropped_masked=$tmpdir/cropped-masked-$objectid.fits
-        astarithmetic $cropped --hdu=1 set-i --output=$cropped_masked \
-                      $cropobj --hdu=1 set-o \
-                      $cropclp --hdu=1 set-c \
-                      \
-                      c o $olab ne 0 where c $clab eq -1 where 0 gt set-cmask \
-                      o o $olab eq 0 where set-omask \
-                      i omask cmask or nan where $quiet
-    fi
-    cropped_masked=$cropped
+    # Fake WCS for the image is taken from the already constructed fake WCS
+    # of the PSF image. The only difference is that the crpix correspond to
+    # the center of the image (instead of the PSF image).
+    naxis1=$(astfits $inputs --hdu=$hdu --keyval NAXIS1 --quiet)
+    naxis2=$(astfits $inputs --hdu=$hdu --keyval NAXIS2 --quiet)
+    center1=$(echo $naxis1 | awk '{print $1/2}')
+    center2=$(echo $naxis2 | awk '{print $1/2}')
+    fake_wcs=$tmpdir/fake-wcs-$objectid.fits
+    echo "1 $center1 $center2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1" \
+        | astmkprof --oversample=1 \
+                    --type=uint8 \
+                    --output=$fake_wcs \
+                    --cdelt=$cdelt1,$cdelt2 \
+                    --crval=$crval1,$crval2 \
+                    --crpix=$center1,$center2 \
+                    --cunit="arcsec,arcsec" \
+                    --mergedsize=$naxis1,$naxis2
+    # Inject the fake WCS into the original image, its HDU becomes 1.
+    hdu=1
+    inputs_wcs=$tmpdir/input-wcsed-$objectid.fits
+    astarithmetic $inputs --hdu $hdu \
+                  --wcsfile=$fake_wcs --output $inputs_wcs
+    # Center coordinates in IMG and WCS
+    xycenter=$(echo "$xcoord,$ycoord" \
+                   | asttable  --column='arith $1 $2 img-to-wcs' \
+                               --wcsfile=$inputs_wcs --wcshdu=1 $quiet)
+    xcimg=$xcoord
+    ycimg=$ycoord
+    xcwcs=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $1}')
+    ycwcs=$(echo "$xycenter" | awk '{print $2}')
+xrecenter="-0.000194444 0.000194444 0.000194444"
+yrecenter="-0.000194444 0.000194444 0.000194444"
+for xs in $(seq $xrecenter | awk '{printf "%.10f\n", $1}'); do
+    for ys in $(seq $yrecenter | awk '{printf "%.10f\n", $1}'); do
-# Function to simplify checks in each dimension
-# ---------------------------------------------
-# If the bottom-left edge of the crop is outside the image, the minimum
-# coordinate needs to be modified from the value in the 'ICF1PIX' keyword
-# of the output of the Crop program.
-first_pix_in_img () {
-    # This function takes a single argument: the dimension to work on.
-    dim=$1
-    # Find the minimim and maximum from the cropped image.
-    if [ $dim = x ]; then
-        width=$xwidthinpix
-        min=$(echo "$overlaprange" | awk '{print $1}')
-        max=$(echo "$overlaprange" | awk '{print $2}')
-    elif [ $dim = y ]; then
-        width=$ywidthinpix
-        min=$(echo "$overlaprange" | awk '{print $3}')
-        max=$(echo "$overlaprange" | awk '{print $4}')
-    else
-        cat <<EOF
-$scriptname: a bug! Please contact with us at The value 
of 'dim' is "$dim" and not recognized
-        exit 1
-    fi
+        xcwcs_shift=$(astarithmetic $xcwcs $xs + --quiet)
+        ycwcs_shift=$(astarithmetic $ycwcs $ys + --quiet)
+        label_shift=xs_"$xs"_ys_"$ys"
-    # Check if it is necessary to correct the position. If the bottom-left
-    # corner of the image (which defines the zero coordinate along both
-    # dimensions) has fallen outside of the image, then the minimum value
-    # of 'ICF1PIX' in that dimension will be '1'.
-    #
-    # Therefore, if the minimum value is not '1', then everything is fine
-    # and no correction is necessary! We'll just return the minimum
-    # value. Otherwise, we need to return a negative minimum pixel value to
-    # obtain the correct position of the object from 'ICF1PIX' (which only
-    # has the region of the input that overlapped with the output). It is
-    # necessary to add '1' because the first pixel has a coordiante of 1,
-    # not 0.
-    if [ $min = 1 ]; then
-        echo "$max $width" | awk '{if($1==$2) print 1; else print $1-$2+1}'
-    else
-        echo $min
-    fi
+        # Warp (WCS) the original image around the object
+        # -----------------------------------------------
+        #
+        # Warp the object around its center with the given stamp size width.
+        warped=$tmpdir/warped-$objectid-$label_shift.fits
+        astwarp $inputs_wcs \
+                --hdu=$hdu\
+                --widthinpix \
+                --output=$warped $quiet \
+                --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix \
+                --center=$xcwcs_shift,$ycwcs_shift
-# In the FITS standard, the integer coordinates are defined on the center
-# of each pixel. On the other hand, the centers of objects can be anywhere
-# (not exactly in the center of the pixel!). In this scenario, we should
-# move the center of the object to the center of the pixel with a sub-pixel
-# warp. In this part of the script we will calculate the necessary
-# sub-pixel translation and use Warp to center the object on the pixel
-# grid. The user can disable this with the '--nocentering' option.
-if [ $nocentering = 0 ]; then
-    # Read the overlap range from the 'ICF1PIX' keyword (which is printed
-    # in all outputs of Crop).
-    overlaprange=$(astfits $cropped -h0 --keyvalue=ICF1PIX --quiet \
-                           | sed -e's|:| |g' -e's|,| |')
-    # Calculate the position of the bottom-left pixel of the cropped image
-    # in relation to the input image.
-    minx=$(first_pix_in_img x)
-    miny=$(first_pix_in_img y)
-    # Due to cropping, the image coordinate should be shifted by a certain
-    # number (integer) of pixels (leaving the sub-pixel center intact).
-    stmcoord=$(echo "$xcenter $ycenter $minx $miny" \
-                   | awk '{printf "%g %g\n", $1-$3+1, $2-$4+1}')
-    # Calculate the displacement (or value to give to '--translate' in
-    # Warp), and the new center of the star after translation (or value of
-    # '--center' in Crop):
-    #  1. At first we extract the sub-pixel displacement ('x' and 'y').
-    #  2. If the displacement is larger than 0.5, then after the warp, the
-    #     center will be shifted by one pixel.  Otherwise, if the
-    #     displacement is smaller than 0.5, we shift the grid backwards by
-    #     mutiplying it by -1 and don't add any shift.
-    #  3. Add 'xshift' and 'yshit' valut to integer of x and y coordinate
-    #     and add final value to one.
-    warpcoord=$(echo "$stmcoord" \
-          | awk '{x=$1-int($1); y=$2-int($2); \
-                  if(x>0.5){x=1-x; xshift=1} else {x*=-1; xshift=0}; \
-                  if(y>0.5){y=1-y; yshift=1} else {y*=-1; yshift=0}; \
-                  printf("%f,%f %d,%d\n", x, y, \
-                  int($1)+xshift+1, int($2)+yshift+1)}')
-    # Warp image based on the measured displacement (first component of the
-    # output above).
-    warpped=$tmpdir/cropped-masked-warpforcenter-$objectid.fits
-    DXY=$(echo "$warpcoord" | awk '{print $1}')
-    astwarp $cropped_masked --translate=$DXY --output=$warpped $quiet
-    # Crop image based on the calculated shift (second component of the
-    # output above).
-    centermsk=$tmpdir/cropped-masked-centered-$objectid.fits
-    CXY=$(echo "$warpcoord" | awk '{print $2}')
-    astcrop $warpped -h1 \
-            --mode=img --output=$centermsk $quiet \
-            --center=$CXY --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix
-    # If the user did not want to correct the center of image, we'll use
-    # the raw crop as input for the next step.
-    centermsk=$cropped_masked
+        # If the warped image is not generated, it may happen that it does not
+        # overlap with the input image. Save a nan value as the output and
+        # continue.
+        if ! [ -f $warped ]; then
+            multifactor=nan
+            # Let the user know what happened.
+            if [ x"$quiet" = x ]; then all_nan_warning; fi
+            # Print the multiplication factor in standard output or in a given 
+            if [ x"$output" = x ]; then echo $multifactor
+            else                        echo $multifactor > $output
+            fi
+            # If the user does not specify to keep the temporal files with the 
+            # `--keeptmp', then remove the whole directory.
+            if [ $keeptmp = 0 ]; then
+                rm -r $tmpdir
+            fi
-# Crop the PSF image with the same size.
-psfxcenter=$(astfits $psf -h$psfhdu --keyvalue=NAXIS1 --quiet \
-                     | awk '{print $1/2+1}')
-psfycenter=$(astfits $psf -h$psfhdu --keyvalue=NAXIS2 --quiet \
-                     | awk '{print $1/2+1}')
-astcrop $psf --hdu=$psfhdu --mode=img \
-        --center=$psfxcenter,$psfycenter \
-        --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix \
-        --output=$psfcropped $quiet
+            exit 0
+        fi
-# Build a radial profile image. It will be used to only select pixels
-# within the requested radial range.
-xradcenter=$(echo $xwidthinpix | awk '{print $1/2+1}')
-yradcenter=$(echo $ywidthinpix | awk '{print $1/2+1}')
-maxradius=$(printf "$xwidthinpix\n$ywidthinpix" \
-                   | aststatistics --maximum --quiet)
-echo "1 $xradcenter $yradcenter 7 $maxradius 0 0 1 1 1" \
-     | astmkprof --background=$psfcropped --clearcanvas \
-                 --oversample=1 --output=$radcropped $quiet
+        # Crop and unlabel the segmentation image
+        # ---------------------------------------
+        #
+        # If the user provides a segmentation image, treat it appropiately in 
+        # to mask all objects that are not the central one. If not, just 
+        # that the cropped and masked image is the cropped (not masked) image. 
+        # process is as follow:
+        #   - Compute the central clump and object labels. This is done with 
+        #     option '--oneelemstdout' of Crop.
+        #   - Crop the original mask image.
+        #   - Crop the original mask image to a central region (core), in 
order to
+        #     compute what is the central object id. This is necessary to 
+        #     this object.
+        #   - Compute what is the central object value, using the median value.
+        #   - In the original cropped mask, convert all pixels belonging to the
+        #     central object to zeros. By doing this, the central object 
becomes as
+        #     sky.
+        #   - Mask all non zero pixels in the mask image as nan values.
+        if [ x"$segment" != x ]; then
+            # Find the object and clump labels of the target.
+            clab=$(astcrop $segment --hdu=CLUMPS --mode=img --width=1,1 \
+                           --oneelemstdout --center=$xcimg,$ycimg --quiet)
+            olab=$(astcrop $segment --hdu=OBJECTS --mode=img --width=1,1 \
+                           --oneelemstdout --center=$xcimg,$ycimg --quiet)
+            # If for any reason, a clump or object label couldn't be 
initialized at
+            # the given coordiante, simply ignore this step. But print a 
warning so
+            # the user is informed of the situation (and that this is a bug: 
+            # should be initialized!).
+            if [ x"$clab" = x   -o   x"$olab" = x ]; then
+                if [ x"$quiet" = x ]; then
+                    cat <<EOF
+$scriptname: WARNING: no clump or object label could be found in '$segment' 
for the coordinate $center
+                fi
+                warped_masked=$warped
+            else
+                # To help in debugging (when '--quiet' is not called)
+                if [ x"$quiet" = x ]; then
+                    echo "$scriptname: $segment: at $center, found clump $clab 
in object $olab"
+                fi
+               # Warp the object and clump images to same size as desired 
+               # If mode is in img (no wcs info), it is necessary to inject the
+               # fake WCS information in advance.
+                clumps_wcs=$tmpdir/clumps-wcs-$objectid-$label_shift.fits
+                objects_wcs=$tmpdir/objects-wcs-$objectid-$label_shift.fits
+                if [ "$mode" = wcs ]; then
+                    astfits $segment --copy CLUMPS --output $clumps_wcs
+                    astfits $segment --copy OBJECTS --output $objects_wcs
+                else
+                   astarithmetic $segment --hdu CLUMPS \
+                                  --wcsfile=$fake_wcs --output=$clumps_wcs
+                   astarithmetic $segment --hdu OBJECTS \
+                                  --wcsfile=$fake_wcs --output=$objects_wcs
+                fi
+                warped_clp=$tmpdir/warped-clumps-$objectid-$label_shift.fits
+                warped_obj=$tmpdir/warped-objects-$objectid-$label_shift.fits
+                astwarp $clumps_wcs \
+                        --widthinpix \
+                        --output=$warped_clp $quiet \
+                        --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix \
+                        --center=$xcwcs_shift,$ycwcs_shift
+                astwarp $objects_wcs \
+                        --widthinpix \
+                        --output=$warped_obj $quiet \
+                        --width=$xwidthinpix,$ywidthinpix \
+                        --center=$xcwcs_shift,$ycwcs_shift
+                # Mask all the undesired regions.
+                warped_masked=$tmpdir/warped-masked-$objectid-$label_shift.fits
+                astarithmetic $warped --hdu=1 set-i  \
+                              $warped_obj --hdu=1 set-o \
+                              $warped_clp --hdu=1 set-c \
+                              \
+                              c o $olab ne 0 where c $clab eq -1 where 0 gt 
set-cmask \
+                              o o $olab eq 0 where set-omask \
+                              i omask cmask or nan where \
+                              --output=$warped_masked $quiet
+            fi
+        else
+            warped_masked=$warped
+        fi
+        # Find the multiplication factor
+        multipimg=$tmpdir/for-factor-$objectid-$label_shift.fits
+        astarithmetic $warped_masked -h1 set-i \
+                      $psf_warped    -h1 set-p \
+                      $rad_warped    -h1 set-r \
+                      r $normradiusmin lt r $normradiusmax ge or set-m \
+                      i p / m nan where --output $multipimg $quiet
+        stats=$(aststatistics $multipimg --quiet \
+                              --sclipparams=$sigmaclip \
+                              --sigclip-median --sigclip-std)
+        values=$tmpdir/stats-$objectid-$label_shift.txt
+        x_shift=$xcenter_shift
+        y_shift=$ycenter_shift
+       if [ x"$mode" = x"wcs" ]; then
+            radec_shift=$(echo "$xcwcs_shift,$ycwcs_shift" \
+                           | asttable  --column='arith $1 $2 img-to-wcs' \
+                                       --wcsfile=$inputs --wcshdu=$hdu $quiet)
+            x_shift=$(echo "$radec_shift" | awk '{print $1}')
+            y_shift=$(echo "$radec_shift" | awk '{print $2}')
+        fi
+        echo $x_shift $y_shift $stats $xs $ys > $values
+    done
+# Collect the statistics of all shifted images
+cat $tmpdir/stats-$objectid-*.txt | asttable --output $stats_all
+# Get the shift with the minimum STD value (4th column)
+minstd=$(aststatistics $stats_all -c4 --minimum --quiet)
-# Find the multiplication factor
-astarithmetic $centermsk -h1 set-i \
-              $psfcropped -h1 set-p \
-              $radcropped -h1 set-r \
-              r $normradiusmin lt r $normradiusmax ge or set-m \
-              i p / m nan where --output $multipimg $quiet
-multifactor=$(aststatistics $multipimg --sigclip-median \
-                            --sclipparams=$sigmaclip --quiet)
+# Keep the new coordinates and the multiplicative factor
+outvalues=$(asttable $stats_all -c1,2,3 --equal=4,$minstd --quiet)
 # Print the multiplication factor in standard output or in a given file
-if [ x"$output" = x ]; then echo $multifactor
-else                        echo $multifactor > $output
+if [ x"$output" = x ]; then echo $outvalues
+else                        echo $outvalues > $output

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