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Re: GNU Herds -- Emacs & JavaScript -- HTTP interface & CLI interface

From: Davi Leal
Subject: Re: GNU Herds -- Emacs & JavaScript -- HTTP interface & CLI interface
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 21:18:36 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

MJ Ray wrote:
> Davi Leal <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Note such form is already using a lot of JavaScript. AJAX give you a lot
> > of power to develop complex forms or web-pages, which are more like
> > stand-alone applications.
> AJAX often introduces more problems for non-scripting browsers.
> Please don't require Javascript.  GNU Herds should be an accessible
> service, not only for users of GNU Iceweasel and a few other browsers.
> At least, it should be possible for GNU Emacs-w3 users to participate!

I think w3m-el is better than w3-el. But w3m has problem too.

I use emacs every day at work, and I love it. However the result of such 
webapp without using JavaScript support would be much more complex. You could 
develop such version and show it, at least the Qualifications form. I think 
the association should choose always the best option.

Random thoughts which were already proposed by Antenore:
  Besides the HTTP interface, we could develop another interface, maybe a 
Command Line Interface (CLI) which could allow XML feed etc.

Note about emacs:
  Maybe the emacs 23.x release could use SpiderMonkey to interpret the 
JavaScript. SpiderMonkey is Gecko's JavaScript engine written in C. It is 
used in various Mozilla products, and is available under MPL/GPL/LGPL 

P.S.: Note: The SSL certificate is wrong. I tried to fix it some 
weeks ago but I was unable to get a new one with the domain. I 
will try again soon. We must move the service to the FSF hosts.


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