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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Telemedicine application (using gnumed?)

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Telemedicine application (using gnumed?)
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2007 21:30:58 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.9.5

On Tuesday 05 June 2007 19:41, Stefano Piazza wrote:
> Hi to all.
> I'm developing an application for an easy internet teleconsulting
> between a little pediatric clinic in a rural area of Ivory Coast, and
> an hospital in italy.
Way to go.
> It must allow ivorian's doctors to easily adquire and exchange
> patient's clinical data with italian's one, to ask for case-related
> impressions and suggestion, to eventually comment images and so on.
Obviously there are many ways to do this. While the general idea is clear you 
might consider giving more details.

Where do you want to store the data ? In Italy or Ivory coast ?
One common server or two seperate servers that sync data ?
Or maybe just one server at Ivory coast and intermittent access for Italian 
doctors ?
What do you have availabe in terms of network ? constant internet connection ?

If you don't consult numerous cases pe rminute but rather a few per day I 
guess the easiest way would be export of case related material as a file or 
as a webpage and online viewing by Italian doctors. I guess no import is 
needed from Italian data besides clinical consultation summary ?

Take a look at

I guess I would think about deploying gnumed and adding an record2html 
exporter for a start and later look into a combination of ipath and gnumed.

Depends on what you really try to do really. 
> I think I could base the program on other free software apps, like
> gnumed, but I'm really new in the "developer side" and I would know if
> you know any application with similar functionalities that I could
> best use as backend, or maybe expand with my work..
Hard to tell unless to specify your exact use case. We might be able to point 
out a nice solution with the current gnumed code.
> Thank you :)
You are welcome.
Sebastian Hilbert 
Leipzig / Germany
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