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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Re: Gnumed-devel Digest, Vol 55, Issue 9

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Re: Gnumed-devel Digest, Vol 55, Issue 9
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 15:24:58 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 01:00:01PM +0200, Philipp Walderdorff wrote:

> But my INFORMIX is from the year 1989 ! and it still works :-),
That's OK. If it works - fine !

> Forms are handled with the function REPORT
> START REPORT xyz TO Printer or Print-File
> every line form the Data-Select is sent to the Report via
> The command "FINISH REPORT xyz" creates the printfile
What is the format of the printfile ?

Or rather: how can one influence/define the format ?

> The Command "lpr -P Ordiantionsdrucker  Print-File" prints the File
> This Prints the datas retrived from the program (patient-datas, Datas from 
> the 
> doctors-adress-table, individual entered Text and automatically generated 
> text to the printfile.
> A perl-script combines these data with a background-Printfile.
> So I can print my INFORMIX-generated printfile on a predesigned 
> Background-Formular, which can be any File.

Very good ! What you describe here is what we plan to do
with the RandomForm feature described here:

So this shows that forms *can* be done this way (and even
certified) even if it's not the technically most satisfying
approach :-)

> A print-modul for GnuMed, I imagine, should let the user govern his  
> print-formular by his own.
> Prepatory work by the user:
> 1. For a certain Formular the user  determines a Background-File, which could 
> be a scanned Formular of the insurance.
> 2. The user defines which variable should be printed on which location of the 
> Formular.
> 3. The User defines the Print-design of the printed text.
> At the moment I am not  able to say, how exatly python could manage this. I 
> suppose, Gnumed will have a table with the formular-name, the used variables 
> and the position of the printed variable on the formular together with the 
> Charakter-set-Datas of the printed variable.

Exactly. We already have tables for that. The encoding is
always going to be UTF8 as far as possible.

The "hard part" is to come up with a way of creating an
on-screen mask to let the user fill in the form. A useful
first step might be to simply use OpenOffice with a template
and a background image.

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