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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Latex template incorporating digitized signature

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Latex template incorporating digitized signature
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 04:57:41 +0000

On 2012-07-11, at 2:48 AM, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:40:28AM +0200, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
>>> Notice, in the attached example (in which I addressed the
>>> letter on Kirk to myself) that I had *logged in* to GNUmed
>>> as clinician Leonard McCoy, despite which the document bears
>>> my signature.
>> I see the problem.
>> A trick can be employed:
>>      \includegraphics[whatever 
>> options]{/gnumed/signature-$<current_provider_external_id::MSP//CA 
>> BC::120>$.png}
>> You will then need to rename *your* signature file to
>>      /gnumed/signature-<whatever_your_MSP_is>.png
> You will want to provide an "empty/1 white pixel"
>       /gnumed/signature-.png
> for those cases where the MSP evaluates to an empty string
> (id est is not registered).

Bearing in mind that my original placeholder -- which resolves to my (existing) 
MSP# -- is


I was able to make it all work nicely. This included my providing, in my root 
/gnumed/ a 'stub' file


which covers the contingency of a clinician (like McCoy) for whom no mapped 
external ID identifier exists (and who accordingly resolves to my 2x2 pixel 
white space 'stub').

I only am not sure what your suggested placeholder parameter


was meant to achieve... is it simply precautionary against some bizarrely long 
value inputted for an ID?

-- Jim

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