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[Groff] State of the groff?

From: Michail Vidiassov
Subject: [Groff] State of the groff?
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2008 01:36:24 +0300 (MSK)
User-agent: Alpine 1.00 (OSX 882 2007-12-20)

Dear Werner,

the previos relaese was long ago and the development of groff seems to be less than active in the last months.
What prevents you from releasing the next 1.19.3?

What is on my radar - you have added UTF (and other encodings) support that works for latin-like languages (but that soelim/iconv problem and hyphenation issues),
but are stuck waiting for someone to provide CJK code.
But "releasing is also a feature" - since people (including distro builders) convert to UTF-by-default mode of operation, even half-baked UTF support is likely to be welcome.
In short - please, make a "State of the groff" speach ;)

     Sincerely, Michail

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