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Re: [Groff] eqn troubles

From: Miklos Somogyi
Subject: Re: [Groff] eqn troubles
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 16:17:27 +1000

Dear Ralph, Werner, Clarke, Ted, Walter, Larry, Stefan, Robert, and  
I am overwhelmed by your responses to this problem.

To sum it up:

1) With Mac OS 10.5.5 Leopard came the groff suite of 1.19.2.
   It works ok except eqn that is not working at all.
   Not on Intel, not on IBM platforms.

2) With Mac OS 10.4 Tiger came groff 1.19.1 and it worked (and still works) properly.
Robert Marks was kind enough to e-mail me a correctly compiled 1.19.2  
Thank Robert very much. Unfortunately it did not recognize my CPU.
I have an IBM Power Mac from just before the Intel transition.

However, in the bowels of my external disk I still have a partition for Tiger with the last backup on it. I copied its 1.19.1 eqn to /usr/bin and for the
time being the system works.
Of course, with more complex stuff the version incompatibility may show some
consequences, but I keep my fingers cross.

Gentlemen, I would like to thank you all for your kind attention and help.

On 30/09/2008, at 11:28 AM, Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:

On Sep 29, 2008, at 3:09 PM, Stefan Tramm wrote:

On Mac OS X 10.5.5 (with all latest patches applied)
eqn(1) seems to be broken!
Mac OS X Leopard with all the updates applied (same uname -a output as Stefan's except the host name).
It does not work.

I tried it with the Heirloom troff I compiled last year on the same machine (installed in $HOME/opt).
$ PATH=~/opt/ucb:$PATH
$ cat > <<EOT
x = { Y + Z } over { A + B } times ( C + D )
$ < eqn | troff | dpost >
$ open

Yup, the equation is there.

So, I compiled groff (installed in $HOME/opt again).

$ tar xzvf ~/Downloads/groff-1.19.2.tar.gz
$ cd groff-1.19.2
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt --with-appresdir=$HOME/opt/etc/ gxditview
$ make
$ make install

Tried Ted's example again:

$ PATH=~/opt/bin:$PATH
$ groff -Tps -e -ms > << EOT
x = { Y + Z } over { A + B } times ( C + D )
$ open


I hope this helps Miklos.


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