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Re: Guix Days and FOSDEM 2021?

From: Julien Lepiller
Subject: Re: Guix Days and FOSDEM 2021?
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2020 20:36:33 -0400
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

No objection! If aquilenet doesn't have a sufficient infrastructure, then let's ask fosshost or someone else.

Le 8 octobre 2020 18:55:50 GMT-04:00, zimoun <> a écrit :

On Thu, 8 Oct 2020 at 17:20, Julien Lepiller <> wrote:

I've participated in the last day of the activitypub conference, which
was held online. They had a nice way of doing things, and I think we
should consider doing something similar.


call for presentation: as soon as possible
end of CFP: october 20th
official list of selected talks: october 22nd
talks released, with final schedule: november 14th
conference: november 21st

I am fine with your plan. Just it seems better to run the event on Sunday 22nd.
However, I still have the same unknowns about the broadcast. And to
be honest, I have not been able to dedicate some time, preferring much
fun stuff.

The conference would have an initial presentation (simply for opening
the conference), followed by Q&A sessions for the talks everyone has
(hopefully) already seen. If we don't need to find time for
presentations, we can have longer Q&A sessions, say 30 minutes, which
can allow us to have more presentations too.

The afternoon could be dedicated to smaller groups who want to talk
about specific topics. I'm not sure if we should set a planning for
these beforehand (so people interested in only a few topics know where
and when to show up), or if we want to encourage people to come up with
their topic on the spot.

Well, just to fix the idea and be concrete on what we have to do on
the technical side. The ActivityPub Conf website is here:

source here: <>

Some hosting is done there: <>
The videos have been edited and pushed there: <>
Well, it seems a good idea if it is possible.

For each BoF, they have a forum webpage and sometimes some additional material.


And for each video, they have also a forum webpage:


Therefore, we still have the same technical issue: how to stream?
BigBlueButton? If yes, which instance? The French Aquilenet one used
last time will not be enough, Andreas said.

Do we ask to <>? I volunteer to do so if
needed. But I would not be outside the scope and ask something (i.e.,
lose their time) if we disagree and another solution is preferred.

Since Christopher L. Webber run the ActvityPub Conf, I am planning to
drop them an email and ask them for some advice/help. Any objection?


All the best,

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