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Re: BBB, Fosshost and config?

From: Christopher Baines
Subject: Re: BBB, Fosshost and config?
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2020 19:25:18 +0000
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.1

Tobias Geerinckx-Rice <> writes:

> Chris,
> Christopher Baines 写道:
>> I think this has always been an option,
> Technically, yes.
> Socially, I'm sure Fosshost considers ‘’ a form of
> advertisement.
> Personally, I'd rather use a subdomain with ‘Graciously
> hosted by Fosshost’ somewhere on the front page in exchange.

I dug back through my emails, they said this at some point:

  You can set up a redirect if you wish to use your own domain name

>> it just requires tweaking the
>> NGinx configuration on the machine, probably some LetsEncrypt stuff,
>> and
>> then setting up the DNS.
> I'm not suggesting we proxy video traffic through berlin.
> We'd configure a subdomain pointed at  Nothing more.
> Anything higher-level, like adding as SAN to the
> instance's LE certificate, would be Fosshost's job.
> I CC'd you only because I thought you were our de facto Fosshost
> contact.  If not, I'll gladly bother them myself!

So, I approached them regarding the two x86_64 VMs they're providing,
and did some setup around that. It was Simon who did the work for the
BBB instance though.

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