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Re: [Help-bash] prompt help

From: Geir Hauge
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] prompt help
Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2012 21:13:27 +0100

2012/2/13 Chet Ramey <address@hidden>
> I favor writing the code that Greg described, but calling it from function
> replacements for `cd' (and, optionally, `pushd' and `popd').  That way you
> avoid the overhead of reevaluating PS1 before every prompt by changing it
> only when the current directory changes.

And here's using Chet's idea and with a different way of parsing PWD.
Putting the following block of code in ~/.bashrc should give you the
desired effect.

setmypwd() {
        while read -rd /; do
            printf /%.1s "$REPLY"
        done <<< "${PWD#/}"
        printf /%s "$REPLY"
cd() { builtin cd "$@" || return; setmypwd; }
pushd() { builtin pushd "$@" || return; setmypwd; }
popd() { builtin popd "$@" || return; setmypwd; }

PS1='address@hidden:$mypwd\$ '

> You have to do a little more work
> to make sure that the appropriate shell functions are defined in the right
> subshells, but that's not hard.

Not sure what scenarios you are thinking of there.

Geir Hauge

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