I just found this "help list" mentioned on
http://tiswww.case.edu/php/chet/bash/bashtop.html . There were no
instructions on subscribing, so I haven't subscribed, and might never
know if there are followup responses. Please reply to the list
archive, and CC me on responses.
HELP please, oh gods of bash!
Thank you in advance.
My environment is Windows 7 Home Premium / cygwin / Bash 4.1.10(4)-release.
I am writing a "simple" bash script to set up for a backup to DVD, but
am having problems setting variables to directory names with spaces,
and then using the variables in mkdir / cp / mv / rm / md5sum
Here is the nuts and bolts of the second script that does a md5sum,
cp, check after cp, then rm. I have coded an exit that I will move
down the script as I test.
Current logic fail -- the "mkdir" is creating multiple directories
(due to the spaces in the name), not just ONE directory with spaces in
the directory name.
# Proper header for a Bash script.
TARGET="Work\ Week\ 2012.09.12"
mkdir $TARGET
exit # The right and proper method of "exiting" from a script.
# A bare "exit" (no parameter) returns the exit status
#+ of the preceding command.
cd $SRC
if [ -f $FILE ];
echo "2-- EXISTS File $FILE in $SRC"
echo "3-- REMOVE"
# rm -f $FILE
echo "4-- MISSING File $FILE in $SRC"
md5sum ./* > dvd.md5
md5sum -c dvd.md5
cd ..
cp -Rf $SRC/* $TARGET/
cd $TARGET/ && md5sum -c ./dvd.md5 && cd ..
rm -Rf ./$SRC/*
rmdir ./$SRC/
Barry Smith
c 704-497-4217
e address@hidden
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skype bnsmith001_gmail
w1 http://bit.ly/l8QJup
w2 http://scs-llc.info/
DUNS 83-099-9384
EIN 27-4523550