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[Help-SnakeCharmer] Better Success, weep hole

From: Lea Case
Subject: [Help-SnakeCharmer] Better Success, weep hole
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2006 15:46:53 +0180

Your cre dit doesn't matter to us! If you OWN real est ate
and want IMMEDIATEQ cash to spend ANY way you like, or simply wish 
to LOWER your monthly paym ents by a third or more, here are the dea ls
we have TODAY (hurry, these ofers will expre TONIGHT):

$488,000.00 at a 3.67,% fixed-rate3
$372,000.00 at a 3.90,% variable-rate1
$492,000.00 at a 3.21,% interest-only5
$248,000.00 at a 3.36,% fixed-rateI
$198,000.00 at a 3.55,% variable-rate7

Hurry, when these deals are gone, they are gone Simply fill out this one-min 
ute form... 

Don't worry about approval, your cre dit will not disqualify you!

with  sandwiches and a thermos of coffee. While Arthur set up the sandwiches
to do, don't  suddenly be afraid of the  dirt. If I tell  you  to, drop your

thousand  at  the  end of the  road. I  can work  up a sweat  for that. Five
     "Sure. Go ahead and smoke. I'll have one too."
sun,  which was unbearably white, hot, angry, and dead.  The  far end of the

under the weight of the pack and arranging the straps more comfortably. "You
     I'll get  through, I'll  get through, Redrick thought;  this is nothing
surfaced and saw Arthur's terrified face right next to his. For a second  he
     "Why don't you get up?" Redrick said without turning around toward him.

alive and  unharmed  from the basement of Complex #7. That  bigger one  over
or  even better,  to lean  back against  it,  close  his  eyes,  and  think,

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