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Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] compiling for OS X

From: Chris Hanson
Subject: Re: [MIT-Scheme-devel] compiling for OS X
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 21:12:11 -0700

Could you do the following:

1. Test whether the directory "/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk" exists
in your installation.

2a. If so, in microcode/, modify the definitions of
MACOSX_CFLAGS and MACOSX_LDFLAGS to include the option "-arch i386",
which should force the architecture to 32-bit.  I'm assuming that the
default architecture has changed to 64-bit in the new xcode.  In this
case, I'm not sure why building a liarc binary wouldn't work, because
it shouldn't depend on the underlying architecture.  (Have you built a
liarc binary from a clean checkout before?)

2b. If not, change microcode/ to refer to a different sdk
that _is_ present.  This would explain why the liarc binary wouldn't

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Arthur A. Gleckler<address@hidden> wrote:
>> I'll send you the transcript tonight.
> I've attached the transcript.  The build fails here in 
> "microcode/confshared.h":
>  #ifndef PC_ZERO_BITS
>  #  ifdef CC_IS_NATIVE
>  #    include "Error: confshared.h: Unknown PC alignment."
>  #  else
>  #    define PC_ZERO_BITS 0
>  #  endif
>  #endif
> My guess is that the problem is that <__IA32__> isn't defined, and
> therefore <PC_ZERO_BITS> is never defined.  But when I define it, I
> eventually get lots of errors like this:
>  cmpaux-i386.s:188:32-bit absolute addressing is not supported for x86-64
> There must be some way to force a 32-bit compile at the GCC level.
> Doesn't it look like that's what's needed?
>> I managed to find a machine running 10.5.8 and the build worked fine.
>> That means that Snow Leopard is the cause, directly or indirectly.
>> I'm hoping that the binary I just built will work fine on Snow
>> Leopard.  We'll see.
> The binary built on 10.5.8 works fine on Snow Leopard.

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