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Re: Please help on some questions.

From: Scheming Pony
Subject: Re: Please help on some questions.
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 13:11:27 +0000

> For example, where can I find the function `read` or `eval` ?  In the case of

[Grandios scheme to reword and rename SICP with the picture language now in 
3D--complete with free polarizing glasses, "SICP-TNG", elided.]

I actually think this is a good question for the -devel list.  It's a good 
place to start when trying to understand the source.  I'm also interested in 
what "off list" advice this person received.

My advice FWIW:

(1) Also see p. 561 of SICP 2e footnote 29.
(2) The R in (R)EPL is for "read".  What do we need to read "eval"?  A reader!

[Grandiose scheme to add AGI to Edwin, creating Edwin/A, and running her for 
office in 2024 with me on the ticket as grounds keeper, elided.]

-- sjm

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