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minor cleanup/update with package

From: David O'Toole
Subject: minor cleanup/update with package
Date: Sat Apr 7 20:24:05 2001

As unkargherth suggested, we have a new function in the oxapi core
package that will give you the sampling rate. This replaces the use of
macros to encode sampling rate, which would not work if you have a
soundcard that can use different rates. 

The following convention is used to describe and then call functions in
the core package:
1. In docs it may be called package::function() or just function()
2. In C++ code just use core->function(). The "pkg" field is gone.
3. In C code do the following:

package *core = m->pkg;   // get a local handle to the core services
int samplerate = core->get_sr();

This way, the use of package API's is consistent between C and C++
machines (you just have to declare that handle for C progs.) 

The new docs online in CVS also reflect this info. Next is the wavetable

@@@ david o'toole
@@@ address@hidden
@@@ www.gnu.org/software/octal

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