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Re: [PATCH 00/16] tests: Add CPU topology related smbios test cases

From: Michael Tokarev
Subject: Re: [PATCH 00/16] tests: Add CPU topology related smbios test cases
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2023 12:55:33 +0300
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25.08.2023 06:36, Zhao Liu wrote:
From: Zhao Liu <zhao1.liu@intel.com>

Hi all,

This patchset is the follow up tests of previous topology fixes in
smbios [1].

In this patchset, add these test cases:

1. Add the case to test 2 newly added topology helpers (patch 1):
    * machine_topo_get_cores_per_socket()
    * machine_topo_get_threads_per_socket()

2. Add the cases in bios-tables-test.c to:
    * test smbios type4 table count (patch 2-4).
    * test smbios type4 core count field (patch 5-7).
    * update the test of smbios type4 core count2 field (patch 8-10).
    * test smbios type4 thread count (patch 11-13).
    * test smbios type4 thread count2 (patch 14-16).

With the above new cases, cover all commits of [1] in test.

[1]: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2023-06/msg06225.html

Hmm.  I definitely didn't expect such a large patchset..  I asked for just
a small, maybe manual (from command-line) reproducer of the original issue,
so I can verify it is fixed before applying the change in question to qemu
stable trees.  It is a large work.  Lemme at least give it a try in the
gitlab CI...

Philippe, can you pick this up for the misc tree?


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