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Re: [Swarm-Support] I need some help of Swarm

From: Alex Lancaster
Subject: Re: [Swarm-Support] I need some help of Swarm
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 20:25:05 -0700

>>>>> "-" == bjohnlee   writes:

-> Hello, If my expression of the following is poor, please forgive me
-> and correct it, because my English isn't very fluent.

->            I'm a senior of university, now I am going to code a
-> program which includes the library of Swarm ( .h files).  My job is
-> to include some of those libraries for my program.  And I have to
-> create some parameters such as those who in the demo.  How do I
-> rename the parameter?

-> Besides, I can't find out how to use it, I don't know how the Swarm
-> works.  I have seen the demo of Swarm from http://www.swarm.org
-> <http://www.swarm.org/> , which user could enter the value of the
-> parameters. And then press "Start", it will computer some results.
-> My problem is how the parameter works together.  I found that used
-> some random methods and some distributions to draw in some example
-> applications.  Do I have to determine what method or distribution
-> to complete my needs, or there Is a formula which contents all
-> parameters could work together that I don't have to do decide?  If
-> yes, what's this formula?  If no, how do the parameters work
-> together?

-> Please help me, thank you very much.

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