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[Traverso-devel] Release plans

From: Remon Sijrier
Subject: [Traverso-devel] Release plans
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 21:50:26 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.12.4 (Linux/2.6.31-17-generic; KDE/4.3.4; i686; ; )


Me again. Current git has a couple of fixes which are important for distros, 
newer versions of gcc, jackd, cmake, and Qt needed changes to make Traverso 
function as it did before.
Those are all fixed now as far as I know.

Nicola has been working on ehm, basic input routing (did I word that correctly 
Nicola?) with the ability to asign certain Audio Buses to certain Tracks, 
including an option to create jack ports on demand and connect those to 
Tracks. (right?)

It's not finished yet, and needs some more love. 

My plan for the foreseeable future is to finish that work, as it makes Traverso 
much more usable for jack users, fix any remaining show stopper bugs in case 
they show up (doh) and release something. (0.49.2 or 0.50.0 or whatever we 
want to call it :-) )

The metronome feature as suggested by JC Cheloven looks interesting, could be 
the next priority on the TODO list, probably with further work on internal 
routing (routing from one Track to another for example), enhancements on audio 
sources management, and maybe a first try on a pitch correction Command 

Any suggestions on this quickly written proposal is much welcome :)

Greetings, Remon

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