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[Adonthell-general] [Fwd: Re: Free game project proposal - Adonthell]

From: Alexandre Courbot
Subject: [Adonthell-general] [Fwd: Re: Free game project proposal - Adonthell]
Date: 31 Jan 2002 15:00:28 +0100

Awright, Georg answered me - and yes, we'll make it. Here is the message
(forwarded), he would like us to answer some questions.

I've filled them with my own impressions, please correct things if I'm
wrong and add what's missing in your opinion.

That will seriously make downloads raise! :)


 * What is it?

We have a generic sentence for this, no? :)

 * Who would use it?

Mmm players? Free OSes severely lack of good quality free games (like a
comment said, something else than "yet another tetris clone")

 * Why would they use it instead of similar projects?

It's one of the few projects that had managed to build a solid core team
composed of artists (gfx artists, musicians, writer, ...) along with
programmers. The result is that releases are more than just code
snippets - you also have original quality graphics & musics that makes
the game look very professionnal. Therefore, even though it is still
under heavy development, releases are fully playable and features small
complete games.

 * (Programming) language used in this project?

C++ for the game engine. The Python interpreter is embedded for in-game
scripts (schedules, events, cutscenes) and extension modules.

 * Special features/strengths?

-Totally scriptable and extendable thanks to Python.
-Games are independant of the engine and can be packaged separately. As
a consequence, anybody can create a game using the Adonthell engine
without touching or compiling C++, just by creating game content with
various tools and programming a bit of Python. 

 * Special problems?

Mmm. I can't see any ;) Limitations yeah, but no real problem.

 * Who is working on it?

A lot of people have come and gone, but the core of the team is:
-Kai Sterker (founder & programmer)
-Alexandre Courbot (programmer)
-James Nash (gfx artist)
-Benjamin Walther-Franks (gfx artist)
-Joel Vennin (programmer)
-Joseph Toscano (musician)
-Mike Nieforth (writer)

 * History of the project?

The Adonthell project has been founded by Kai Sterker and merged in 1999
with another similar idea that Alex & James were working on. While the
first releases doesn't really worth mentionning, 0.3 is the first step
to an actual game - by the game the project was started, the team
maturated and the project finally took form.

 * Plans for the close and distant future?

Big parts of the code will be rewritten. The map engine will allow more
precise moves, several levels of height, and the game will switch to a
640x480 resolution, as the current 320x240 is not really adapted to
today's machines. Then, a true RPG system will have tobe written, as
well as a fighting engine. Game design should then allow multiplayer
games, as the world is totally independant of the player and can very
well live alone. 

 * Do you need help? If so: of what kind?

Adonthell greatly need volunteers to speed up the development.
Programmers experienced with C++, object oriented concepts and
(optionnally) Python are welcome. Artists are also invited to join.

 * Interesting/fun stories that might juice up the story?


 * Website/FTP addresses?

 * License?!

Code & art are released under the GNU General Public Licence.

 * Standard documents to read in this context?

 * Anything you would like to see mentioned?

 * Answer to a question I forgot?

Please answer promptly - if we want to make it in the next issue, we
better hurry up! ;)



--- Begin Message --- Subject: Re: Free game project proposal - Adonthell Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 21:16:54 +0100 User-agent: Gnus/5.090005 (Oort Gnus v0.05) Emacs/21.1 (i386-debian-linux-gnu)
Hi Alexandre,

 || On 30 Jan 2002 17:54:58 +0100
 || Alexandre Courbot <address@hidden> wrote: 

 ac> I'm one of the developers of the Adonthell RPG game project. I
 ac> ...

Thanks, I'm indeed interested. Below you'll find the BGW standard
questions. Filling them out and mailing them back is all you have to
do. :-)

 ac> Thanks for your nice & relaxing column - I wish you
 ac> accomplishment in everything you are involved in! :)

Thank you very much. I'm very glad to hear that.

 ac> (Sorry for the half-bad English too)

No problem. I understood everything. :-))


Attachment: StandardQuestions
Description: The 'Brave GNU World' standard questions everyone gets to fill out

Georg C. F. Greve                           <address@hidden>
Brave GNU World                            (
Free Software Foundation Europe              (

Attachment: pgp4BwBcv7klj.pgp
Description: PGP signature

--- End Message ---

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