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[Aspell-user] trying to create a dictionary for latin and wordfiles

From: parasew
Subject: [Aspell-user] trying to create a dictionary for latin and wordfiles
Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 01:55:31 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

trying to generate a dictionary file, which is in latin (language code: la) i 
was trying
aspell --lang=la create master ./latin < latin-spaceseperated.lst

where latin-spaceseperated.lst is a file which holds latin vocabulary, space 
the list of words is from

besides the above syntax doesn't work for me
Error: The language "" is not known. This is probably becuase the file 
"/usr/local/share/aspell/la.dat" can not be opened for reading.

i was trying to use aspell-gen for creating a dictionary. but without the 
compressed file, this won't work (at least i didn't get it running).

secondly i was trying to create custom wordfiles for acronyms and special terms 
in german, plus a correction list, to use everything in perl (Text::Aspell) but 
unfortunately i will give up soon, because i can't find my way through the 
aspell stuff.

please, if anyone can help me, drop me a line.

matthias tarasiewicz
"wuerde gerne heimgehen, bin aber schon da"

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