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[Aspell-user] Problem with accents

From: lists . aspell-user
Subject: [Aspell-user] Problem with accents
Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2004 10:34:11 -0000


When I have a text with letters with accents [like ê, â], these
letters do not show up in the text [upper] window of aspelll.
However, in the suggestions [lower] window they show up correctly.
Also, when I ask aspell to ignore all for one of these words, it
still stops at them.
I'm using aspell 0.60 with the aspell-en 0.60, aspell-vi 0.60 and
aspell-nl 0.50 dictionaries under SlackWare Linux 10.0.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?



- --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5/040412

 * Origin: The Wizard is using MBSE/Linux (2:280/1018)

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