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Re: [Aspell-user] odd "create master" behavior

From: Gary Setter
Subject: Re: [Aspell-user] odd "create master" behavior
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 07:31:03 -0500

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gabriel Farrell" <address@hidden>
To: <address@hidden>
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 4:29 PM
Subject: [Aspell-user] odd "create master" behavior

> I'm trying to create a master list.
>     $ echo 'bob mike janus' > wl.txt
>     $ aspell --lang=en create master ./dict.cwl < wl.txt
>     Warning: The word "bob mike janus" is invalid. The
character ' ' (U+20)
>     may not appear in the middle of a word. Skipping word.
>     Segmentation fault
> If I edit the file and separate each word by a carriage return,
I get:
>     $ aspell --lang=en create master ./dict.cwl < wl.txt
>     $ aspell dump master ./dict.cwl
>     bo
>     mik
>     janu
> TIA, gsf
Hi Gabriel,

That seems like expected aspell behavior to me. The input list of
words is newline delimited. Your choice of .cwl seem interesting
to me. Kevin Atkinson uses the .rws extenstion for compiled
dictionaries and .cwl for compressed word lists. If you want to
make a compressed wordlist, you can use the prezip utility.
"prezip -z infile outfile.cwl". To decompress "prezip -d
infile.cwl outfile"

Hope that helps,

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