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[Aspell-user] odd "create master" behavior

From: Gabriel Farrell
Subject: [Aspell-user] odd "create master" behavior
Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 17:29:51 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.10i

I'm trying to create a master list.

    $ echo 'bob mike janus' > wl.txt
    $ aspell --lang=en create master ./dict.cwl < wl.txt
    Warning: The word "bob mike janus" is invalid. The character ' ' (U+20) 
    may not appear in the middle of a word. Skipping word.
    Segmentation fault

If I edit the file and separate each word by a carriage return, I get:

    $ aspell --lang=en create master ./dict.cwl < wl.txt
    $ aspell dump master ./dict.cwl

TIA, gsf

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