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bibledit 3.7-1 package accepted into Debian unstable (was: Re: [be] bibl

From: Jonathan Marsden
Subject: bibledit 3.7-1 package accepted into Debian unstable (was: Re: [be] bibledit 3.6 builds on less common Debian architectures )
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 10:59:03 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

Teus Benschop wrote:

I cannot remember the exact page where that bug was seen. But since it
now is building on all the architectures, and the ones that it does not
yet build on are probably coming soon, then there's no problem, and
all's fine. Thanks for getting to the root of the matter. In that case I
don't mind what you put for the relationship it has with BibleTime,
since all's fine.

OK, good. A few hours ago my shiny new bibledit 3.7-1 package was accepted into Debian unstable :) Right now, only i386 is built, but that should change in the next 48 hours or so as the Debian build machines try to build the new package on all the various architechtures for us.

Two *very* minor things I found which you may want to change in the bibledit codebase:

(1) The bibledit.desktop file does not validate using the desktop-file-validate tool, so I patched it so it *does* validate :) The changes are pretty trivial: Remove the trailing .xpm suffix from the Icon=bibledit.xpm line, and remove the (now deprecated) Application; category from the Categories= line. So my patch file is:

Remove unwanted .xpm suffix from icon; remove Application category.
Index: desktop/bibledit.desktop
--- old/desktop/bibledit.desktop        2009-04-21 02:59:55.000000000 -0700
+++ new/desktop/bibledit.desktop        2009-04-21 03:00:02.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 [Desktop Entry]
 Comment=Bible Editor

(2) The man pages all still say they are version 3.6. This is not a big deal at all, and I left them alone, but long term it might be good to automatically generate them at build time with a current version number and build date in the top line of each (the lines that start with .TH).

And one small issue that might be a packaging problem, or might not:

(3) The Gnome menu entry for Bibledit has a little icon that seems to be a generic default one rather than the pretty picture of a bible under a sunset that is the real Bibledit icon. I'm not yet sure why this is happening, and need to check whether this is a packaging issue. Once Bibledit is running, the icon in its top left corner is the real one, and the bibledit.xpm file is present on the system... I'd think we would prefer the menu to include the "real" "sun-over-Bible" icon.

It might be useful if you could let Kim know of the new 3.7-1 release (I have no way to contact Kim myself) and see whether:

  (a) the version in my PPA for Intrepid shows up on the netbook
      involved as being available for update and

  (b) it actually updates the machine to bibledit 3.7-1~intrepid1



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