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Re: [Bontz-team] flopping fish

From: Chuck
Subject: Re: [Bontz-team] flopping fish
Date: 07 May 2003 17:45:44 -0500

would it be possible for you to tell me how to animate them?

On Wed, 2003-05-07 at 17:35, Owen Swerkstrom wrote:
cool beans about the truetype fonts.  Strictly
speaking to stay 100% GNU is there any issue with
that?  generally speaking, distributing other people's
truetype fonts is a no-no, I think...  Well I don't
know much about that but it's good we have the option.
 You and I are both fans of fixed-width fonts anyway
though, and it probably makes stuff less complicated
as far as guessing where lines will break and all that
fun stuff.

But anyway, do a cvs update with whatever option it is
to include missing folders, -d I think.  you'll see
something new in sprite :^)  It's probably not done,
the timing isn't great, but it's something to work
with for your fish race.  I've got 3 more
different-looking (and different-colored) fish modeled
but not animated yet.

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