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[Bontz-team] story revelations

From: Owen Swerkstrom
Subject: [Bontz-team] story revelations
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2003 12:21:07 -0700 (PDT)

We went strong there for a little while, let's have
another push.  I've got some graphical goodness and a
revamped website underway, and Kim and I came up with
some very good ridiculous stuff for the story:

Basically, the whole
reflecting-light-from-the-sun-at-various-angles thing
we've all been told about the moon's phases... well
it's proven to be disasterously wrong.  What really
happens is that for millions of years, a very habitual
and very tall swamp monster has been reaching up and
eating the moon slice by slice.  I've got photographic
evidence of this happening.  Well ok it's not a
photograph, it's a crude drawing, that I myself did,
possibly while drunk, but anyway that's how it works. 
What accounts for the phases between new and full, you
ask?  Well, when the swamp monster is finished eating
the moon and is sinking back into his pond to take a
well-deserved nap, innumerable pixies come out and
start dancing about and singing obnoxiously.  Rumor
has it Justin Timberlake is one such pixie, but we
won't get into that.  Well the poor swamp monster
finds all this prancing about and singing to be very
annoying as it's depriving him from his slumber.  In a
fit of rage, the monster belches a very powerful burp
indeed, which scares away the pixies but also lets out
an enormous amount of vapor and fog.  This fog spreads
all across the land (you may have witnessed some
yourself at times) and slowly collects and condenses
in the sky, reassembling as the moon, over the course
of a couple weeks.  At this time, the swamp monster
awakes from his mini-hibernation and is very hungry,
and the cycle starts anew.

What has any of this got to do with Bontz?  Well, as
it turns out, the tearing and distorting of the
space-time continuum that happens when Furgason et al
zip around through time is balanced out and stabilized
when there is a full moon.  By the time our heroes
figure this out, they've already done a lot of
chronodistortion damage and are looking to undo it. 
In Furgason's research, he learns about this
moon-eating swamp monster and realizes that if they
were to go back in time to a point before their
spacetime-ripping, they could destroy this thing and
the rest of time and space could remain intact.  I've
actually come up with a couple other tie-ins including
some gags around the swamp where all this happens
throughout various periods in history.

Oh and Chuck, I recently discovered a Bontz mousepad I
had made way back when and was going to give you for
Christmas.  Looks very much like the wallpaper, with
Furgason and Mucka running away from SterDroid, and
Gus running around in a panic.  If that would motivate
you to do the sprite loading or map systems, or that
mpeg engine you mentioned, that would be lovely.

Marcus, does the attached picture inspire anything
musically?  There will likely be a cinema showing this
thing slowly unfolding itself, coming up out of the
swamp, and then grabbing hold of the moon and starting
to chomp on it.  Our heroes would then run in and a
large battle would then begin.

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