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[fluid-dev] Re: PortAudio driver

From: Stéphane Letz
Subject: [fluid-dev] Re: PortAudio driver
Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2009 06:47:28 +0100

Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 22:52:10 +0100
From: Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] New development
To: address@hidden
Message-ID: <address@hidden>
Content-Type: text/plain;  charset="utf-8"

Josh Green wrote:
Some decisions should be made about what remains to put into 1.0.9.

What of the following should be added?
- PortAudio driver (it exists, does it just need to be improved?)
- Jack MIDI driver
- ASIO driver

That's another discussion, we should think about two different and
independent development branches. Personally, I'm not interested, but someone might want to do them for 1.x and we could be merge them later in
the 2.x branch.

I'll see if I feel inspired to work on any of those in the coming week.
If not, then its time for a 1.0.9 release.


I would like to find more time to work on the PortAudio driver, as it was my
plan for ticket #19. I will try, but don't hold your breath.

You are right: there is already a PortAudio driver, but it doesn't compile with PortAudio V19. This version includes ASIO support (Mac OSX and Windows),
so we don't need to write another driver for it. Do you agree?


"ASIO for Mac OSX" does not make sense anymore ((-:

But porting to PortAudio V19 should be quite easy, probably adapting the prototype for Pa_OpenStream function and a couple of small things.


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