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Re: [fluid-dev] The 1.1.0 milestone

From: Bernat Arlandis i Mañó
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] The 1.1.0 milestone
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 11:00:58 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)

Josh Green escrigué:

Its been really nice reading the introductions..  There are no specific
qualifications on this, so if anyone else feels inspired to introduce
themselves, please do.  I know there are several other people on this
list who have been long time FluidSynth contributors and users.

The next step seems to decide on what the FluidSynth 1.1.0 milestone
should look like.  What features and bug fixes we would like to see.  I
like the idea of releasing every few months (3 months?), to keep things
on track and not make users wait too long for improvements.

Proposals for tickets for 1.1.0:

- Replace some of the more ugly portability code with glib

- Timing related issues and faster than realtime audio rendering (#1,
#24, #15)

- Support dynamic change of sample rate (#6), causes improper tuning if
audio driver rate does not match FluidSynth's rate!

- Improve voice stealing algorithm (#27)

- Audio rendering to .wav or other audio file formats using libsndfile
or libaudiofile (ticket #30)

I also have some test code for doing timing metrics on FluidSynth.  It
would be nice to have a test suite, which could do timing and synthesis
tests.  This will be made much easier when we have improved sample based
MIDI to audio rendering and would help to spot regressions or
improvements in synthesis or performance.

I'd like to hear thoughts from others on what they would like to see in
the next FluidSynth release.  I think we should strive to keep API
compatibility for 1.1.0.  It might be good to deprecate certain more
obscure parts of the FluidSynth API and add additional interfaces where
desirable though.

First, I sent this message but it didn't get to my mailbox and it seems to be ignored by everyone so I guess it didn't reach your mailbox neither, I think it's interesting:

With all this big changes and new plans, I'm wondering where does lie the 2.0 branch? I could have done some work these holidays but I have the feeling that we're diverging and I prefer to wait for the water to calm down. Before starting this branch I was like one year reading the list and I knew about the development status of FS, and the Miguel's fork. Nowadays I see people jumping in with his own ideas but without knowing much of what has been talked here lately.

I know everyone's ideas are the best and mine aren't any better unless demonstrated, but I already said the 2.0 branch would take some time and work and doing it alone isn't rewarding. Besides, it might happen that when it's ready no one is interested on it and I end having a fork that I didn't want to start.

I think I will stop my activity from now on until I see where FS is heading and how. I don't want to spend more time on it until it has a clear route and better organization. Since some things that were planned for 2.0 are now included in the 1.1.0 plan and others are going on a tangent, I think it's time to talk about it all.


Bernat Arlandis i Mañó

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