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Re: [fluid-dev] Re: Fluidsynth reverb setting

From: Edenyard
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] Re: Fluidsynth reverb setting
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2011 18:36:03 +0000
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Thanks for that, Dave.

    Normally, you would need another computer with network access to the server
    running fluidsynth.  This could be an ipad (running the 'pterm' app), or a
    netbook, or laptop with wireless access.

    Do you have network access to the pc running fluidsynth?

I don't have any access to it at all, in the ordinary way. It's a totally stand-alone system. It boots a cut-down version of Slackware from a Flash disk as soon as power comes on. then it runs the script file that gets Fluid started, uses aconnect to make the necessary connections to virtual MIDI ports, then runs the program that reads MIDI from the serial port (RS232), grinds it up and feeds more MIDI to Fluid. The only user interface the whole system has is a few rows of keys and switches as inputs and a couple of power amps as output!

It's been running that way for around 5 years now. Until a few weeks ago, it was running an early version of Fluid (V1.0.6 or something?). I've just updated it and I'd been reading about the effects that tweaking Fluid's reverb might have, so I wanted to see if I could do that to make some improvements.

Thanks for any clues you might be able to offer me!


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