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[fluid-dev] Re: Fluidsynth reverb setting

From: Edenyard
Subject: [fluid-dev] Re: Fluidsynth reverb setting
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 17:29:57 +0000
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I'm very grateful for all of the suggestions put forward to solve this problem. I was unaware of 'netcat' until I read about it here - networking has always been a bit of a mystery to me. I find that I have 'nc' on my system, which I gather does the same thing as 'netcat' so I'm about to go and study the man page for that, and then have a fiddle.

Thanks, too, to Chris for the suggested reverb settings. It'll be extremely useful to have those as a reference point.

And Dave asked: "I may have missed this detail -- how do you maintain and execute the script?". For development purposes, I attach a screen and keyboard to the motherboard in the normal way. There's also a spare ribbon cable to attach a CD drive which will allow the system to boot up from a CD (which I have written on my work PC) and then set up the Flash disk. However, for 'normal' use, none of those are present.

One last question (for now!): assuming Fluid is given the command to listen to a network port so that netcat can be used to send reverb settings to it, doen the same thing also apply to MIDI data? Or, to put it another way, could I send a stream of 'note-on, note-off' instructions to Fluid by that means to get sounds? I was just thinking that sending my MIDI data into the motherboard and Fluid via an external ethernet connection running at 10Mb/s might be quite a bit faster than using the RS232 serial port at 57.6kb/s. Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree, though?

Thanks again, all.

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