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Re: [Groff] shifted output with version 1.17

From: Larry Kollar
Subject: Re: [Groff] shifted output with version 1.17
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 07:18:29 -0500

"George, Russell A" <address@hidden> wrote:

> We use tbl from groff version 1.15 extensively in our report generating
> process. I am trying to migrate our process to version 1.17 and have noticed
> that the output is shifted up approx 1 inch. I am using the same tbl for
> both. Any ideas?

Are you saying you're using the v1.15 tbl with v1.17 groff? If so, can
you try it again with v1.17 tbl?

If that doesn't help, could you show us a small example file that 
demonstrates the problem?
(I probably don't need to tell you to munge any sensitive data first.)

Larry Kollar   k o l l a r  at  a l l t e l . n e t
"Strange that people always suggest commercial systems when the
phrase 'mission critical' comes up." -- Sebastian Rahtz, on XML-Doc

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